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Next Day Access Central Vancouver New Franchise in British Columbia Opens to Bring Accessibility and Mobility Solutions to Local Communities.

Vancouver, British Columbia, March 28, 2022: Next Day Access is pleased to announce the opening of a new location in the Vancouver area, the third international development of the company. Next Day Access Central Vancouver franchise, provider of residential and commercial accessibility and mobility products, is owned by Navreet Pal Singh and Gurpreet Singh.

Business partners, Navreet and Gurpreet, bring years of experience in the retail business. Prior to Next Day Access, Navreet used his mechanical engineering background as a sales professional, handling projects for pre-engineered buildings, HILTI tools, anchor sales, and greenhouse structures. Gurpreet is an entrepreneur and owns multiple gas stations in the Greater Toronto Area.

Both Navreet and Gurpreet strive to offer individuals and families in their local communities a wide range of the Next Day Access product line to address accessibility and mobility concerns.

“Next Day Access is one of the leading players in the accessibility industry, and we are proud to build a business on an established foundation. Joining hands with them as their franchisee will enable us to serve this need-based market more efficiently. We are excited and committed to reaching more individuals in need of mobility and accessibility solutions.”

– Navreet Pal Singh

Next Day Access Central Vancouver will focus on providing accessibility and mobility solutions to individuals of all ages across Vancouver and surrounding areas.

About Next Day Access

Next Day Access is a local provider for accessibility and mobility solutions for homes and commercial businesses. With franchise locations across the United States and Canada, their goal is to help aging loved ones and people with limited mobility and disabilities live safely, comfortably, and independently in their homes. Learn more by visiting www.nextdayaccess.com.

Serving as a caregiver for a loved one from a long distance is not easy. Despite the distance, you want to ensure your loved one receives the best care. Here is some advice on how to ensure your loved one is receiving quality care despite the distance.

Get as much information as possible.

Experienced caregivers encourage you to learn as much as you can about your friend or family member’s diagnosis, the medicine they need, and the available resources. This information can aid you in understanding what they are dealing with, their prognosis, anticipating the length of the illness, preventing any crisis, and assisting in their healthcare management. Knowing all their healthcare needs will make talking to their doctor easier. Written permission to receive your loved one’s medical and financial information is vital. 

Once gathered, keep all the information organized in an online spreadsheet or folder. The information you will need includes all the essential information about medical care, contact numbers, social services, and their financial situation. Make sure to keep the information up to date and share copies with other trusted caregivers.

Set time aside to visit your loved one.

While you are in town, use this time wisely to gather any needed documents or things your loved one may need. It is a good idea to make a list of what they need before you come to town. For example, does your loved one need new winter clothes? Is their television on the fritz? Create an agenda for your trip and a list of what you need to bring. Remember your loved one likely misses you and would like to spend time with you when you are in town. You can take them to a worship service, play a game of cards, or watch a movie. Overall, just spending quality time together is sure to delight and revive your loved one.

Stay in touch with caregivers and doctors.

The needs of aging parents vary depending on their mobility levels. Once you have an established caregiver, stay in touch with them. You should also keep in touch with your loved one’s doctor. Make it clear to the doctor you would like a report after every doctor’s visit. You can also request occasional teleconferences with your loved one’s healthcare team. Your loved one can also be assigned a social worker who will help you stay abreast of any situations that require decisions on your part. 

Make sure your loved one knows how to get in touch with you.

If your loved one is in a nursing home, make sure they have a personal line for calls. It is a good idea to have your name and phone number written in big and bold letters on their dry erase board. If your loved one is aging at home, you may consider purchasing a cell phone. Spend time teaching them how to use it and make sure they know how to reach you by either writing your number on a large board or saving it on their phone. Also, give them detailed instructions on how to find your contact information on their phone. 

Find resources for your loved ones in their community.

You can find local senior centers by doing an internet search. Check with the Area Agency on Aging or the Eldercare Locator in their communities. These groups can recommend several helpful resources.  

Make sure your loved one’s home is safely set up.

Whether they need a walk-in tub or a wheelchair ramp, we at Next Day Access have an assortment of mobility products to help those with accessibility concerns. We offer many different products to keep your loved ones safe and comfortable. Our goals are to help those with accessibility concerns and to give peace of mind to caregivers that their loved one’s homes are safe. 

When making modifications to increase the accessibility of your home, it is important to consider the pivotal role good lighting plays. Proper lighting makes your home easier to navigate no matter your mobility level. For a home to be completely accessible, you will need more than just wheelchair ramps and grab bars. You should be mindful of the range of physical abilities and challenges your loved ones must deal with and consider every aspect of the home for diverse users. If you do not make sure to install proper lighting, your loved one could suffer an injury that could have easily been avoided. 

The website ieslightlogic.com gives insightful information on keeping an aesthetically pleasing home with stylish lighting. The modern lighting serves the purpose of helping rather than hindering your loved one. Here are some of the website’s best tips.

Avoid Glare from Lighting

Since wheelchair users are at a lower point in their wheelchair, they are often eye to eye with a lamp or other lighting source. It is essential you position the light at an angle where it does not go directly into their eyes. You can also buy fixtures with reduced glare. 

Navigation Lights

People with disabilities have an increased need for adequate lighting due to spatial navigation difficulties or poor vision. For increased functionality in an accessible home, consider installing track lighting that runs on the ground for the length of the hallways or outdoor pathways. Using LED lighting is helpful since you can place it against walls or on the outside of pathways to help users avoid tripping. The added lighting allows everyone to see more clearly, which aids in navigation and avoiding injury. 

Supplemental Lighting

You can add small round light fixtures; some even stick to walls, around door locks, switches, handles, grab bars, or room landmarks. 

Easy Access Light Switches

One of the most common issues wheelchair users face is not being able to reach light switches. Some are placed at the back of counters which makes them nearly impossible to reach. In an accessible home, it is recommended by universal design principles light switches be placed on the wall at 36 inches or 44 inches maximum. 

Motion Sensor Lighting

For the ultimate safety and accessibility, installing motion sensor lighting is ideal, especially in bathroom areas or outdoor areas. Motion sensor lighting will help your loved one avoid fumbling with a light switch. The lights will simply come on when they enter the space.

At Next Day Access, we offer several items to help people living with disabilities or adults aging in place live comfortably, safely, and independently. We also offer free in-home consultations to help ensure the home is completely accessible. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. 

Are you or a loved one experiencing mobility issues and needing the assistance of a wheelchair? If so, it might be time to remodel your home’s entry with a step-less solution. By remodeling for a step-less entry, you can be confident your entry will be safer and more comfortable. Here are the steps for remodeling for a step-less entry into your home: 

How To Remodel

  1. Have a covered entrance built over the entranceway. The covered entry aids in controlling water at a low threshold and ensures protection during inclement weather. 
  1. Make sure there is adequate maneuvering space around storm doors and screen doors. 
  1. Measure 5’x5’ as the minimum for level landing area maneuvering. 
  1. The walkway should be 4′ wide and sloped at 1:20 or less. If the slopes are steeper than 1:30, you will need to install handrails. 
  1. By using a mixture of retaining walls and earth berm, you will have an effective method that supplies a step-less route to the landing while keeping an integrated appearance of the home. 
  1. Remove the original small stoop. 
  1. When set at the same level as the interior house floor, the new porch landing will diminish the step at the entry door. 
  1. Prepare a flush or low-profile threshold ½’. This measurement will need to be the maximum height. 
  1. Install handrails with an integral package shelf. 
  1.  Exchange your house numbers for higher contrast numbers to ensure the numbers are easy to read at a distance. 
  1. Set up good lighting at the entryway. Focus the light on the house numbers and locksets to make certain you or your loved one have ease of use and better security. 
  1.  Ensure the entry and screen door provides a minimum 32″ clear opening with leverage-style hardware. 
  1. Lower the peephole, so you or your loved one can see through the peephole from the wheelchair. 

Next Actions

At Next Day Access, our priority is to make sure that anyone aging in place or has mobility issues can live safely, comfortably, and independently at home. We offer a vast assortment of items that make life easier. If you would prefer not to remodel your entryway, we offer many different styles of wheelchair ramps, including threshold ramps that easily slide over a small step. However, we have products to help with your remodel if you choose to remodel. You can schedule an in-home consultation with us, and we can help you figure out if a remodel is the most effective solution for your home. During the consultation, we can also help to show you areas in the home that could use added safety measures. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. 

Many seniors are choosing to age in place instead of going into a nursing home. In fact, 90% of seniors have said they would prefer to age at home, according to a survey by the American Advisors Group. They also point out that some home modifications for accessible living might be necessary.

If an aging adult has health problems or mobility issues in the future, their house will need some modifications. The modifications will help make sure they can live independently and comfortably while remaining safe. Here are the most common home modifications for safe, accessible living.

Grab Bars

As we age, we are less steady on our feet. Grab bars help keep aging adults balanced, making them less likely to experience a severe fall. You can have grab bars installed anywhere in the home, but they should primarily be near the home’s entrance and in bathrooms. We offer sleek and stylish grab bars modifications that enhance the home’s existing interior design.


A ramp modification instead of stairs at the entrance to the home can be helpful. Next Day Access offers ramps to fit a multitude of stair variations. If you have a step up in the home, you can purchase a threshold ramp that easily slides over the step. Ramps are one of the best modifications for someone aging in place. They minimize the risk of accidents and injuries significantly. 

Walk-In Tubs or Barrier Free Showers

Stepping over a bathtub is extremely dangerous if the senior no longer has a good sense of balance. At Next Day Access, you can find conversion kits and walk-in tubs to help the senior avoid a potential bathroom fall. Next Day Access also has a range of portable showers or curb-less showers.

Full Bath Remodel

The bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house for seniors. The wet slippery floors are an enormous hazard for falls. Also, getting in and out of the tub or up and down from the toilet can be difficult. At Next Day Access, you will find everything you need to remodel the bathroom. We offer toilet lifts, grab bars, walk-in tubs, shower chairs, and more.

Next Day Access is where you will find most of the home modifications needed for a senior to age in place.  We even offer a free in-home consultation where we walk through your home and help to show you areas that would be helpful with modifications. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. 

As you get older, your bones become more brittle. A fall can be detrimental. Let us at Next Day Access help prevent your falls with a useful and user-friendly list of ways to preemptively avoid falling both inside and outside of your home.

Stylistic Changes

Use a walker, rollator, or cane to steady yourself. These items are beneficial for preventing falls when standing up or sitting down. We also recommend standing up slowly. When you get up too fast, your blood pressure can drop unexpectantly, causing you to feel faint. 

Wear low-heeled and rubber-soled shoes that completely support your feet. If you wear only slippers or socks, it can be unsafe on stairs or freshly waxed wood floors. 

Investment Changes

Invest in handrails and guard rails. Handrails are not just for stairs. You can put them along the hallway, in various places in the bathroom, anywhere in the house you think would be helpful. 

Avoid ladders or standing on a chair to reach items. You can buy a reaching stick to help you get hard-to-reach items. If you must have a step stool, invest in one with a handle. 

The bathroom is one of the most dangerous places for falls. Floors get wet and slippery, and stepping over a tub can cause severe injuries. Look into a raised toilet seat, shower chairs, bath benches, grab bars, and walk-in tubs. 

We highly recommend looking into home modifications for accessible living as these changes could help keep you safe and more independent for a longer time.

Consider buying a medical alarm necklace. Even though phones are handy these days, having a medical alarm conveniently around your neck will give you and your loved one’s peace of mind if there is an emergency. 

Health Changes

Take care of your health.  This may seem like common sense, but it is worth the reminder. You can also speak to your doctor about a bone density test. This test will tell you how strong your bones are. Your doctor can then prescribe medications to make your bones stronger. 

Have your hearing and vision tested regularly. Hearing or sight issues can cause you to be less stable on your feet. 

Speak to your doctor about each of your medications. Certain medications can cause balance and coordination to be negatively affected. Being aware of the issues can help you take better precautions. 

At Next Day Access, our priority is to help our customers feel safe, comfortable, and independent at home. We offer many of the devices mentioned above. We also provide a free in-home consultation to help you determine if areas in your home are not safe. Contact us today!

Arthritis flare-ups can cause everyday activities like getting in and out of the shower painful. We at Next Day Access compiled a list of helpful solutions and tips to help make maneuvering through your home easier.

Bathroom Comfort

  • Change your faucet turners to levered handles. Changing them will make turning on your sink and tub more accessible. 
  • Install grab bars. Having something to hold onto as you get in and out of the tub helps keep you safe if your arthritis flares up. 
  • Invest in a shower seat. These simple seats fit right in the shower stall or tub and can help you conserve energy as you shower. 
  • Elevate your toilet seat. When your toilet seat is higher, this can reduce the strain you might feel from getting on and off a lower traditional seat. 

Living Room and Dining Room Comfort

  • Look into touchless lamps or an alarm system that will turn things on using voice activation. 
  • Find the perfect pillow. Most people with arthritis prefer a cervical pillow because you can keep your neck comfortable. 
  • For doorknobs, you can change them all to levers for easier access or get rubber knob covers that are easier to turn and grip.

Kitchen Comfort

  • For cabinets and drawers, change the handles to pull out levers. Trying to grip a small cabinet or drawer pull is difficult with arthritis. You will find it easier to open them with an oversized handle. 
  • Put the trashcan on wheels. A rolling trashcan will make it much easier for you when it is time to take the trash out.
  • Put items you often use in easy to reach places. Don’t worry if you think things look out of sorts. Your convenience and comfort are what are important. 

Mobility Comfort 

Look into a rollator or a walker to help you conveniently get from room to room with less pain. There are all sorts of walker and rollator designs.

When you are ready to get your home more comfortable and suitable for your lifestyle, Next Day Access is here. We will even come to your home for a free in-home consultation to ensure your home is safe as well as comfortable for you. 

At Next Day Access, we are proud to offer a vast assortment of products that help people with disabilities and seniors aging in place live comfortably, safely, and independently. Here are a few products we urge you to consider to help prevent you from falling in your home. 

Grab Bars

We have an assortment of grab bars and handles here at Next Day Access. Grab bars do not strictly need to be installed in the bathroom. They can be installed throughout the house. Many are choosing to install them down hallways and at a front door enclave. In fact, one of our curved security bars can be placed anywhere in the house. It stands from ceiling to floor and has a curved bar attached that enables users to pull on it when getting into a standing position. You also can lean on it when sitting back down.  

Wheelchairs and Scooters

Getting around the house once you feel you have difficulty with mobility is no trouble with a scooter or wheelchair. At Next Day Access, you will find the perfect scooter or wheelchair for you. During our free at-home consultation, we can help you decide which would work best based on your daily activities and your home configuration.

Bathroom Products

In addition to grab bars, we also offer several solutions to keep you safe in the bathroom. We have portable showers, walk-in bathtubs, and an array of shower chairs and benches. We understand most falls occur in the bathroom, so we want to ensure your bathroom is safe with our product selections.

If you are concerned that your home is not fall-proof and you want to see what products are available to keep you safe. We urge you to visit us at Next Day Access today or contact us to schedule a free in-home consultation. We will do all we can to ensure your home is safe and secure. 

Every January is a time for us to take extra precautions while bathing. Taking a bath is a regular occurrence, but it is also a potentially hazardous activity. According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning is a leading cause of death. Infants and adults older than 85 are most likely to drown in a bathtub. This grim fact is why we place importance on bath safety each January. In honor of bath safety month, let’s look at a few ways to improve your bathroom safety. 

The National Institute on Aging reports 80% of people 65 years and older fall in the bathroom. At Next Day Access, our goal is to help seniors aging in place and people with disabilities feel comfortable, independent, and safe. We offer a variety of products to make your bathroom safe such as the following.

Quick Tub Full Convertible Kit 

Stepping over a tub to get in for a bath is the quickest way to cause a trip and fall. To prevent this, you can convert your bathtub into a walk-in shower by adding a small door to the side of your tub. Our Full Quick Tub Convertible Kit supplies you and your loved ones with everything you need to turn your existing bathtub into a step-in shower while maintaining a fully functional bathtub. Converting back and forth only takes a few seconds.

Rane- RA2 Tahoe Walk-In Bathtub 

The RA2 Tahoe is a freestanding or built-in tub designed for small to medium-sized bathrooms where space is limited.  The low threshold and wide inward swinging door allow easy access for people with various degrees of mobility. The roomy contoured seat allows the user to sit comfortably and safely in a slightly reclined position.  

Invisia Accent Ring 

The Invisia Accent Ring is another form of a support bar that provides support directly above your shower valve when bending over or reaching to turn the water on or off. The Invisia Accent Ring is stylish with a chrome finish and looks sleek above your faucet. 

Prestigio Chrome Flange Folding Grab Bar 

Grab bars should be placed strategically throughout the bathroom. This grab bar folds back when not in use which makes it convenient to use. The folding feature also makes it convenient to access.

Next Day Access offers many different styles of grab bars to choose from. When you consult with one of our experts, we can help you figure out the proper placement and correct grab bars for your home. 

Many of these products can be installed quickly with little interruption to your daily activities. At Next Day Access, we respect your time and privacy and will work around your schedule to make the process run as smooth as possible.  

We hope you will browse the website or come to our store to see the bathroom safety options we offer. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Next Day Access for help to make your bathroom safer. We can provide a free estimate for you. Remember, we are here to help you feel comfortable, independent, and safe.

If you experience mobility challenges, you know getting into a shower and showering comfortably can be challenging. At Next Day Access, our mission is to help seniors aging in place and people with disabilities feel comfortable, safe, and independent at home. We offer a variety of styles of shower chairs to help increase your comfort and ease of access. We hope our list of shower chairs will help. 

What is a Shower Chair?

Before we discuss the assorted styles of shower chairs, just what is a shower chair? According to Chair Institute, “A shower chair is typically a four-legged chair with rubberized feet, usually made with aluminum legs and a durable plastic seat used to provide additional support in the bath or shower and to make getting in and out of the bath and shower easier.”

Folding Shower Seat

This sturdy assistive bathroom aid is a favorite among customers. The seat stays installed in the shower and folds up when not used. When users go into the shower, they only need to pull the seat down, and voila, a shower seat. These seats usually have a grab bar nearby to supply an added level of safety. 

Transfer Bench

Transfer benches are extremely helpful when moving from a wheelchair to a shower bench. It has two rubberized feet placed outside the tub, with the other two inside the tub. The rubberized feet supply a sturdy grip on the floor. The user slides across the wheelchair to the bench. 

Folding Stool Style

This stool is considered the most cost-effective and simple to use. The durable stool has rubberized feet and handgrips to help them move to and from the shower. No seat on the back helps with washing that area of the body. It also helps the stool to be easier to carry out of the shower 

Aluminum Bath Chair

Aluminum frame bath chairs are lightweight, durable, and corrosion-proof. The chairs come with simple instructions and assemble quickly. The legs are height adjustable for your needs and angled with suction-style tips which provide additional stability in the shower.

You will find most of these shower chair designs at Next Day Access, and if we do not have them in stock, we can get them ordered for you. We want to keep you safe, comfortable, and independent. 

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