When making modifications to increase the accessibility of your home, it is important to consider the pivotal role good lighting plays. Proper lighting makes your home easier to navigate no matter your mobility level. For a home to be completely accessible, you will need more than just wheelchair ramps and grab bars. You should be mindful of the range of physical abilities and challenges your loved ones must deal with and consider every aspect of the home for diverse users. If you do not make sure to install proper lighting, your loved one could suffer an injury that could have easily been avoided.
The website ieslightlogic.com gives insightful information on keeping an aesthetically pleasing home with stylish lighting. The modern lighting serves the purpose of helping rather than hindering your loved one. Here are some of the website’s best tips.
Avoid Glare from Lighting
Since wheelchair users are at a lower point in their wheelchair, they are often eye to eye with a lamp or other lighting source. It is essential you position the light at an angle where it does not go directly into their eyes. You can also buy fixtures with reduced glare.
Navigation Lights
People with disabilities have an increased need for adequate lighting due to spatial navigation difficulties or poor vision. For increased functionality in an accessible home, consider installing track lighting that runs on the ground for the length of the hallways or outdoor pathways. Using LED lighting is helpful since you can place it against walls or on the outside of pathways to help users avoid tripping. The added lighting allows everyone to see more clearly, which aids in navigation and avoiding injury.
Supplemental Lighting
You can add small round light fixtures; some even stick to walls, around door locks, switches, handles, grab bars, or room landmarks.
Easy Access Light Switches
One of the most common issues wheelchair users face is not being able to reach light switches. Some are placed at the back of counters which makes them nearly impossible to reach. In an accessible home, it is recommended by universal design principles light switches be placed on the wall at 36 inches or 44 inches maximum.
Motion Sensor Lighting
For the ultimate safety and accessibility, installing motion sensor lighting is ideal, especially in bathroom areas or outdoor areas. Motion sensor lighting will help your loved one avoid fumbling with a light switch. The lights will simply come on when they enter the space.
At Next Day Access, we offer several items to help people living with disabilities or adults aging in place live comfortably, safely, and independently. We also offer free in-home consultations to help ensure the home is completely accessible. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.