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Every family is unique. However, over time, many families will find themselves in similar situations of taking care of an aging adult family member. Being the sole caretaker can be overwhelming at times. If siblings are involved and willing to work cohesively, it is best for the entire family.

In a recent AARP article by Dr. Barry Jacobs, he shares his experience working with his brother to care for their mother. He points out the challenges and conflicts that come up, yet, also identifies how you can bond with your siblings as you work together to ensure your aging loved ones receive the best care.

Here are a few of his tips and some of our own for working cohesively as siblings:

Remember, the primary focus is on your loved one’s care quality.

If you are spending your energy in conflict with each other, you could be unintentionally diverting your attention from your primary focus. As an example, two brothers have the potential to be at odds.

One brother stays home and works as the caretaker for their relative, while the other brother works every day and sends money. Each brother could carry resentment, but instead, they have chosen this structure because it works the best to meet their relative’s needs.

It also helps them keep the aging adult in the comfort of their home. Your primary focus should always be ensuring your loved one stays healthy, comfortable, and safe. Also, when siblings are in conflict, your loved one will likely pick up on this and become upset. Put aside your differences for the adult in your care. 

Everything does not have to be equal; things just need to make sense.

It is unlikely you will be able to distribute the caretaking tasks equally. To help everyone, distribute the caretaking responsibilities depending on each person’s situation. Since siblings tend to live various distances from their parents, they have different life responsibilities, and financial situations, it is normal for each sibling to have different caregiving tasks that best suit their capabilities. 

Dr. Jacobs reminds readers this inequality does not have to be a bad thing. If one sibling is closer and can get to the parent sooner, let them take the lead on delegating tasks. Perhaps you can divide the grocery shopping with each sibling taking a different week. These days this can work for siblings out of town as well, as they can have groceries delivered. Also, try to take turns taking your parents to doctor’s appointments if possible. 

Someone will always end up doing more, but every sibling should be contributing in their way. Try to gather for family meetings so you can check in and acknowledge each other’s contributions. The meetings will help keep things running smoothly.

Be kind to each other.

When you have a kind and loving parent who appreciates everything you all are doing, things are more manageable. Sadly, for some, your aging parent could be not so friendly and appreciative, maybe due to Dementia or other health problems. They can be mean and hard to handle.

In these scenarios, it is imperative siblings extend kindness and lean on each other for support. You could also be grieving due to a parent who falls ill and begins to need help. Grieving together will strengthen your bond. 

At Next Day Access, we are here to help. We aim to provide solutions for aging adults choosing to age in place. We offer a vast amount of various medical equipment and accessibility devices to keep aging adults or people with disabilities safe and comfortable at home.

Many of our devices are also geared to help caregivers perform their daily tasks with less difficulty such as a patient lift. Our professionals are also happy to do in-home consultations to ensure the home is safe. We encourage you to contact your nearest Next Day Access today to see how we can help.

Are you looking for a new business venture that will bring in revenue and allow you to help others? If so, investing in a Next Day Access franchise could be the perfect fit for you. 

Who is Next Day Access?

Next Day Access is the home accessibility expert. We have a “Whole Home-Whole Life” approach which means accessibility and comfort in your current home. We are a national company that provides mobility equipment and accessibility devices to people with disabilities and adults choosing to age in place. Our goal is to help people to be able to stay living comfortably and safely at home rather than having to enter a nursing or rehabilitation center. Therefore, we offer innovative solutions for people with disabilities. A few of our top products include: 

  • Wheelchair Ramps– Both Commercial and Residential  
  • Walk-in Tubs  
  • Vehicle Lifts 
  • Pool Lifts 
  • Patient Ceiling Lifts 
  • Grab Bars and Handrails 
  • A Variety of Scooters, Electric Wheelchairs, and Manual Wheelchairs 
  • Stairlifts 
  • Lift Chairs 
  • In-Home Elevators 

This list is just some of our best sellers. We keep updated on new products and offer those as well. In addition, most franchises have an installation team proficient at installing all the equipment mentioned above. 

Why Next Day Access?

Essentially Next Day Access is an accessibility and mobility aids company. We offer investors excellent long-term potential. We are a massive competitor in this field and receive an abundance of positive reviews at each of our locations.  

The current aging population is also an enormous factor in choosing to franchise with Next Day Access. We live in a Baby Boomer age. The population born between 1946-1964 is currently the second largest population group. Therefore, much of your clientele is already established and might have accessibility concerns. People also live longer, and 90 percent of aging adults say they prefer to age in place. This means they will look for products to make their home as accessible as possible. 

Another plus is the economic immunity for medical equipment. Since the use of these products is generally non-discretionary, revenue tends to be steady despite the economy’s cycles. 

According to Investopedia.com, the bottom line is that the medical equipment sector is well positioned to take advantage of a growing demand for healthcare as aging adults become a more significant percentage of the overall population. In addition, innovations offer ways to improve the lives and welfare of everyone. 

Recently at an event with all the franchise owners, they were asked, “Why did they choose to invest in Next Day Access?” the answer time and time again was, “The nobility of Next Day Access inspired them; they enjoy being able to help others through their work.”  

We urge you to consider seeing the joy of owning a business that offers so much to people. If you have any questions about becoming a franchise owner, we are happy to answer them.  

On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. The Civil Rights Law was designed to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Every year since it passed, more people with disabilities have joined the workforce. Making sure your business is accessible to all improves your image and increases revenue. Also, making your business accessible for disabled employees can give you a more robust workforce. Here are a few ways to ensure your business is accessible for all. 

Storing Items

Do not store items too high or too low where it would be inconvenient for anyone in a wheelchair to reach. 

Accessible Entrances and Bathrooms

If the main entrance of your business is not wheelchair accessible, consider investing in a commercial wheelchair ramp. Next Day Access offers many choices. You could also put the ramp on a side entrance if that is better suited for your business. We can help determine where a ramp would look best at Next Day Access. 

Ensure your bathrooms are accessible by installing grab bars. At Next Day Access, we have grab bars that are both stylish and functional. The space under the sink should also be clear so anyone in a wheelchair can reach the faucets comfortably. 

Consider Handrails

If you have long hallways in your business, consider installing handrails down the length of the halls. You could also install handrails anywhere with steps where a ramp is unavailable. We also offer stylish, classy, modern handrails at Next Day Access. 

Proper Spacing

Make sure you have plenty of space between tables, counters, or desks. You should also make sure that tables and desks provide space underneath the top that is 30 inches, 17 inches deep, 27 inches high, with a top between 28 inches and 34 inches from the ground.  

Appropriate Language

Choose the appropriate language for signage. The word Handicap is considered offensive to many. Instead, use the word accessible. For example, a sign should read, “Accessible parking this way.” 

Take Aways

These are just a few helpful tips. It is mandatory to ensure your business is ADA compliant, but these extra steps are significant for people with disabilities. At Next Day Access, we have several products to make your business as accessible as possible. We can advise on the perfect products and help you determine where to install any mobility equipment or accessibility devices. We also have a top-notch installation team providing knowledge and efficiency at every job site. 

According to a recent national poll by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, older adults and people with disabilities feel there is still a lack of accessible and reliable transportation alternatives. This prevents them from doing what they need to and leaves them feeling without independence, isolated, frustrated and trapped.

More than one in 5 Americans ages 65 and older do not drive, and the demand for transportation is rapidly growing as the boomer population grows. To help meet needs, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) launched an “Every Ride Counts” campaign. Through the campaign, the NADTC hopes this national effort will increase awareness of local transportation options for people with disabilities and aging adults throughout the United States. 

A stunning 80 percent of young people with disabilities surveyed shared they are often prevented from doing the things they would like to do due to lack of transportation. This difference in lifestyle from their peers is one of the leading causes of isolation which leads to depression. Yet, it isn’t only about where they want to go. Many express the need to make it to doctor’s or other essential appointments and cannot due to transportation issues.  

According to Carol Wright Kenderdine, co-director, NADTC and assistant Vice President of transportation & mobility for Easterseals, “To address this need, particularly in small communities, NADTC recently funded ten community grants to support planning for alternatives, such as volunteer transportation, rideshare options and expanding transit.” Many hospitals do offer appointment pick-up. You simply need to schedule it when you schedule your appointment. Not all doctors and hospitals, however, can provide pick-up to rural areas. 

Thankfully, they say, “we are living in the future,” and apps like Uber are becoming more disability-friendly. Hopefully, we will see more companies like them in the future. If NADTC and companies such as these can combine their efforts, we can lessen the transportation issues people with disabilities and aging adults face.

At Next Day Access, the needs of our customers are important to us. We also support the valiant efforts of NADTC. We offer several products to help people feel safe and comfortable at home and on the go. If you struggle to get around because you lack a vehicle lift on your car, please let us help. Our vehicle lifts are designed to help people move in and out of all vehicles and are easy to use. We urge any drivers for ride-share programs looking into making their vehicle more disability-friendly to contact us today. We can help you install a vehicle lift on your car quickly and efficiently. 

The time may come when your aging loved one can no longer handle their financial responsibilities. Discussing finances is a delicate but important conversation. With a sensitive approach, you can work with your loved one slowly, making the transition as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Here are a few tips for taking on the management of your loved one’s finances:

Discuss Finances Early

Try to speak to them sooner than later about finances, especially if they have growing health concerns. You can simply bring it up in conversation. “Who will handle your affairs if problems ever arise?” The National Institute on Aging recommends parents give advance written consent to a designated family member.

You can go so far as to discuss the Power of Attorney with them. Whoever they designate as power of attorney not only helps control finances but also discusses critical medical factors with their doctors like their treatment plans.

Spend Time Together

Sit down with them and pay bills together to help your loved ones trust you. Go over their budget with them, showing you how they properly paid things before the new arrangement. This allows you and your loved one to get used to the new arrangement and can help them see you only have their best interest at heart. 

Budget Together

When you are going over the budget, show them how they can switch retirement funds to direct deposits (if they were not switched already) and double-check the insurance is still valid and vital paperwork is up to date. Once you have reviewed and made sure all paperwork is accurate, secure it in a safe place where only you and your loved one can access it easily. 


Communicate with your loved one anytime you are paying bills from their accounts. You should also keep excellent documentation, including receipts, to avoid any future misunderstandings. 

Separate Finances

Keep your finances separate from your loved one’s finances. It may seem convenient to combine finances, but this is a slippery slope. It is also a sure-fire way to decrease your loved one’s feelings of independence and possibly their trust.  

At Next Day Access, we understand the many challenges of caring for an aging loved one. We hope these tips will make speaking to your loved one about finances easier. We enjoy lending our support through the advice you can find on our blogs as well as by offering many different products in-store to make your loved one safe and comfortable at home.

From grab bars to vehicle lifts, we have an abundance of products geared to helping anyone with accessibility concerns. Please continue to read our blogs and contact us today.

Looking out at a gorgeous garden filled with plants and flowers can do wonders for the mind. A garden in full bloom is pleasing to the eyes and the nose. It is even better when you plant those flowers and plants. Perhaps you enjoy growing your own fruits and vegetables?

A homegrown tomato can taste drastically better than a store-bought tomato. Gardening boasts many benefits beyond the beauty, taste, and smells of the garden itself. In fact, there are many health benefits. Here are a few health benefits you can achieve from gardening. 

Stress Reliever

Gardening relieves anxiety and stress. A study from the Journal of Health Psychology found that gardening can lower cortisol levels in the brain. Cortisol is considered the “stress hormone.” Your body needs it to function, but too much of it can cause higher blood pressure or fluctuating glucose levels. So go ahead and dig in the dirt and feel relaxed while doing it. 

Good Exercise

Gardening is good exercise. Your heart rate goes up when you garden. Gardening isn’t as rigorous as a run-around the block, but any physical activity is good for your body. It has been proven that even daily light exercise increases your lifespan. Just be careful you stretch your arms, shoulders, and hands often as you work so you do not end up with tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Improves Immune System

Gardening can improve your immune system. Believe it or not, spending time digging in the dirt can improve immune health. A bacteria found in garden soil called Mycobacterium vaccae is considered a “friendly” bacterium because it helps improve the immune system. The bacteria have even been known to alleviate symptoms of asthma, psoriasis, and allergies. 

Lowers Dementia Risk

Gardening could lower the risk of dementia. An article on the website fivestarseniorliving.com mentions a study that found gardening may reduce the risk of dementia by up to 36 percent. Scientists believe it is because gardening requires many critical functions, such as sensory awareness and dexterity. Spending even a short time gardening, you are more likely to maintain motor skills and improve your strength and endurance. 

Source of Vitamin D

Gardening provides much-needed vitamin D. We have already mentioned how gardening decreases anxiety, but gardening also improves your mood. The sunshine causes your body to produce vitamin D and raises the serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is a chemical in your body that helps you feel calm and happy. Be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat while you garden. The sun does have its benefits, but you need to protect yourself from sunburn and the sun’s harmful UV rays.

With all of these benefits from gardening, you should consider stopping and smelling the roses and maybe even plant a few of your own. If you need help getting to your garden, consider calling us at Next Day Access, and we can install a modular or threshold ramp at your home. Contact us today for a free estimate.

Exercise is important during all phases of life, but it’s especially important for aging adults. It is essential for maintaining independence and flexibility among other benefits. To determine the best exercises for you, focus on activities that help with strength, mobility, balance, and breaking a sweat by increasing your heart rate. However, the best exercises for you are the ones you will want to do habitually. Here are 4 of the best exercises to break a sweat this summer. 


Walking is one of the best ways older adults can achieve cardio. You can modify your speed to a comfortable pace and go a distance that feels right for you. Walking requires good balance but can still be done if you need the assistance of a walker or a cane. Spending time outside also promotes positive mental well-being by reducing anxiety and improving mood.

Swimming or Water Aerobics

For many reasons, swimming and water activities are considered the best exercise for aging adults. Swimming expands the heart and lungs, making them stronger and more efficient at pumping blood through the body. In Water Aerobics, there is a lesser chance of injury since water reduces strain on your body’s joints. Swimming also decreases overall inflammation and boosts the immune system while improving metabolic efficiency. 


You can start yoga at a beginner’s level and work your way up to a more strenuous yoga class; starting out, you will focus more on different breathing techniques and balance. You can still break a sweat in the beginner’s class, however! Moving through the various poses will help improve flexibility, balance, and strength. 


According to Forbes Health, cycling is one of the best aerobic exercises for aging adults due to its many health benefits. “Whether you choose to use a stationary bike or an outdoor bicycle, cycling requires using your larger muscles such as hamstrings and quadriceps. Cycling leads to increased blood flow and demand for the heart and lungs. With any form of cardio, when this demand is repeated, the body adapts by increasing its capacity to tolerate the added load making the exercise beneficial for the heart and the lungs.” An additional benefit to cycling is that it is a non-impact exercise that helps people who need to reduce ground reaction forces during workouts due to muscle or joint pain.

It is never too late to start exercising. Even if you start slowly by just lifting 3-pound dumbbells daily. You are increasing your vitality and getting on track for healthier living. A recent Swedish study found that physical activity was the number one contributor to adding extra years to your life. However, getting active is not just about adding years to your life. It’s about adding life to your years. 

Would you love to have greater peace of mind that your loved one is safe and protected when you cannot be with them? An innovative new product aims to do just that for you. The product is called Smart Alert Tech. The product is a simple, unassuming way to monitor your loved ones and their daily lives.

How Does Smart Alert Tech Work?

The Smart Alert Tech is a Smart Plug that essentially serves as a plug-in plug. One part of the plug goes into the wall like usual, and then you plug something you know is used daily by your loved one at a particular time into the other side of the plug, such as a coffee pot or the television.

The product relies heavily on your loved one’s routine. As a result, you may want them to know that you will start to worry if they do not turn on the tv or coffee when they usually would. You then download the Smart Alert Tech app and check it every morning to see if they are up and starting their day with no problems. You can get multiple devices for added peace of mind if you want. Once you have paired the device, you can set the alarm to show that your loved one is maintaining their routine. 

Benefits of Smart Alert Tech

The Endless Capability-the Wi-Fi plug works with nearly any electronic device. Just be sure to pick an electronic device your loved one uses every day and pair it with the Smart Plug

It is more than just a Smart Plug-since you pair the device with your phone and can use a dedicated app to monitor your loved one, and this makes the Smart Alert Tech an exciting new option for keeping our aging loved ones safe. 

Offline Notifications-If you lose power or Wi-Fi and have an interruption in service, you will receive an alert via the app regarding the issue. 

Virtual Access-From anywhere in the world, you can change alert times, set vacation timers, check electricity usage, and more. In addition, you can give access to other family members, caregivers, or friends through the App.

At Next Day Access, we are always excited to share any new and innovative ways to keep your loved one safe and give you peace of mind. We also offer many products to keep your loved ones safe when they decide to age at home. Whether they just need grab bars in the bathroom or a wheelchair ramp installed, we can help. 

MEMPHIS, TENN. JULY 22, 2022 – Next Day Access Memphis receives the Deborah Cunningham 2022 Access Award from the Memphis Center for Independent Living for its initiatives in increasing access in the community. The awards ceremony will be held at Crosstown Concourse on Friday, July 29th, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Next Day Access Memphis is a local provider of accessibility and mobility products. They sell and install wheelchair ramps, grab bars, stair lifts, elevators, and more. Their mission is to help residences and businesses keep aging loved ones, individuals with disabilities, and patrons safe and independent.

The Deborah Cunningham Access Award recognizes individuals, organizations, and businesses for their significant contributions to removing barriers or increasing access for people with disabilities in the community. Deborah Cunningham was the Executive Director of the Memphis Center for Independent Living and a national activist for disability rights. She advocated for accessible public transportation, affordable, and integrated housing, and equal access to public accommodations in Memphis and the surrounding areas.

“We are honored to receive the Deborah Cunningham Access Award,” said Greg Inman, Next Day Access Memphis Branch Manager. “I am blessed to have a team that is not only hardworking but passionate towards providing solutions to keep members of our community safe and independent in their homes.”

“Next Day Access provides people with disabilities in our community with ramps that enable them to move freely in and out of their homes which enables them to participate in their community,” said Christina Clift, Consumer Advocate at the Memphis Center for Independent Living. “They treat people with dignity and work with their financial situation to find a solution. We are happy to award Next Day Access the Deborah Cunningham Access Award.”

About Next Day Access

Next Day Access is a local provider for accessibility and mobility solutions for homes and commercial businesses. With franchise locations across the United States and Canada, their goal is to help aging loved ones and people with limited mobility and disabilities live safely, comfortably, and independently in their homes. Learn more by visiting www.nextdayaccess.com.

Take your home to the next level with a Pollock residential elevator. If you have accessibility concerns and choose to age in place, installing an elevator will make navigating your home more manageable. Pollock Lifts Shaftless Elevators have been manufactured by Pollock for 35 years. Pollock offers three different sizes of their residential elevators: 

  • Compact-a single person elevator 
  • Twin-it is still compact but fits two people comfortably 
  • The wheelchair-the largest of the three- holds anyone in a wheelchair, so they can easily maneuver through their home. 

The travel distance of the elevator is 13 feet 9 inches. So, the elevator can fit in most homes. In addition, the elevator travels on rails, which means you have open living space when the lift is not in the room. It is manufactured with the highest safety standards. 

Additional Benefits of Pollock Elevators

We offer quick elevator installations and can usually get them installed in a matter of days. The installation team gets in and out, leaving your property better than it looked before the installation. 

There is a full warranty. In the unlikely event the elevator breaks down, the lifts come with a 12-month warranty for all parts and labor. Our support team is also available for you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. 

If there is a power outage, the elevator has a dedicated battery backup, so it will always return to the ground floor. Then using a manual lever, you can open the doors and exit the elevator. 

Here are just a few of the standard features you can expect with your Pollock elevator: 

  • Traction drive 
  • Quiet Travel 
  • Safety/sensor edges 
  • Self-leveling if floors are uneven 
  • Wireless remote control 
  • Soft start and stop 
  • Large vision panels with LED lighting

You can also add optional extras such as: 

  • Faster motor 
  • In elevator phone 
  • Handrails 
  • Heavy Duty Capacity 
  • Mood lighting 
  • Tip-up Seat 
  • Power-operated door 

Pollock Elevators Near Me

The Pollock elevators originated in England, but you can find them specifically at Next Day Access. At Next Day Access, we aim to provide as many accessibility and mobility options as possible. In addition, we understand that you would probably rather age at home than go to a nursing home, so we offer several products that help you age at home comfortably and safely. 

Customer Reviews