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An estimated 40 million Americans are living with arthritis and suffer side effects from the disease daily. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, yet rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are the most common. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects joints. It is a chronic pain condition and, if left untreated, can cause disabilities. 

Maintaining a happy, active lifestyle can be difficult due to the joint pain, stiffness, and swelling caused by arthritis. We’ve listed some helpful tips and techniques to help make everyday tasks more manageable. 

4 Tips for Living with Arthritis

Eat a Diet Rich in Anti-Inflammatory Foods 

Arthritis can cause severe inflammation. Foods such as nuts, beans, fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or high-fiber bread help reduce inflammation. 

Exercise Regularly 

Low-impact exercises can help prevent stiffness and pain. Some great forms of exercising include swimming, cycling, or walking. You can also consider a low-impact yoga class incorporating gentle stretching into your routine. Stretching can move your joints through their full range of motion. 

Stop Smoking 

There are a variety of reasons smoking is bad for your health. One of those reasons is that if you live with arthritis pain, the toxins from cigarette smoke can make the pain worse. The toxins directly harm the connective tissue around joints, potentially leading to more pain. 

Assistive Devices

Assistive devices such as a cane, walker, wrist cast, or even shoe inserts can make daily life easier on your joints. 

At Next Day Access, we offer several assistive devices, including walkers, grab bars, railings, and more. Our goal is to help people find solutions when they have issues with mobility by providing accessibility devices and mobility equipment.

When you use assistive devices, it can make it easier for you to perform your everyday tasks. We hope the devices will improve your quality of life and help you better manage your condition. Don’t hesitate to contact your nearest Next Day Access if you have questions about our products and services. 

If you experience mobility issues, you know stairs can be difficult to navigate and dangerous. Investing in a stair lift is a fantastic option because this will allow you to stay in your home and access every part of the home.

You may not think you have the budget for a stair lift but moving could be much more expensive. This blog will debate whether investing in a stair lift is a better option than moving. Here are just a few of the benefits of an affordable stair lift cost.

The Cost of a Stair Lift is Worth It

Greater Independence

Installing a stair lift creates more independence and freedom. When climbing stairs has become a challenge for you, you may only find yourself living only on the bottom or top floor. You can access every room in the house when you can use a stair lift to get up the stairs.

At a recent Next Day Access meeting, one of the owners described a customer who was overjoyed when her lift was installed. Her mobility was suffering, and she could no longer make it up and down the stairs.

Her home was built with all the bedrooms on the top level, so she was confined upstairs. She had relatives that checked in on her, but she was often home alone. With tears in her eyes, she described how happy she was that she could now order a pizza when home alone.

Such a simple thing that many of us take for granted. This sweet lady is no longer confined to a portion of her home. When we hear stories like this, we are reminded of our why. 

Financially Responsible

Sit down with a notebook and compare the price of a stair lift vs. the expense of moving. Stair lift cost may be more affordable than you think. Usually, a stair lift is between $2500 to $4500. Stair lifts vary in price due to their different options, including a straight stair lift, curved stair lift, and outdoor stair lift.

When you work with a Next Day Access professional, we will do our best to help you find a stair lift that works within your budget, including the installation.  

Once you have determined the price of the stair lift, investigate how much it will cost you to move. If you are an aging adult, you likely have many things. Packing materials, moving van rental, and movers can rack up to thousands of dollars more than a stair lift.

Also, consider where you are moving. Do you have to pay someone to go through your things to get rid of items that will not fit in your new home?  

Next, look into the price of where you will be moving. The monthly cost is extremely expensive if you have chosen an assisted living facility.  

Lastly, a stair lift will increase the value of your home. A stair lift is a financial gain in the long run. Financial reasons are one of the main reasons many people choose to invest in a stair lift rather than moving. 

Avoid Stress

It has been said that moving is considered the #1 stressor for people. Finding a place, boxing up all your items, redecorating, and the move itself is enough to send some people over the edge. You likely also have many memories made at your current home. Ask yourself if you really want to start over somewhere new. 

There are three r’s to remember when determining if you would like to purchase a stair lift. Regain your independence, retain full use of your home, and remain in the home you love. 

Next Day Access can help you through the entire process if you decide to invest in a stair lift. Contact your nearest Next Day Access to schedule a consultation and get more information. 

The New Year might have you considering exercising for the betterment of your mental and physical health. We compiled a couple of easy exercise tips for you to consider!

A Gym membership 

Most gyms offer discounted rates for older adults. They also have trainers on staff to help you learn the equipment. They even offer to show you how to use the equipment correctly with the right weights.  Your trainer can also help you develop a daily exercise regimen. They offer low impact-to high impact classes to better suit your needs. These classes are perfect for getting your heart rate up.


If your gym offers a pool, swimming is a great way to exercise. 

Swimming is the perfect exercise for aging adults due to the low risk of injury. Swimming is a fantastic way to maintain and help your health. Swimming improves muscle mass, endurance, healthy joints, heart health, and strength. 

Home Workouts 

These days there are all sorts of platforms devoted to keeping aging adults in shape at home. The Wii offers plenty of exercise games. One of the simplest ways to work out indoors, however, is to buy small hand weights and ankle weights. These weights help gain muscle mass and lose weight while exercising your heart. Marching in place with weights is also a great way to exercise.  

Indoor Walking

Another simple workout is indoor walking. Simply go to your local mall or museum and walk around briskly. The beauty of walking around a museum instead of a mall is the culture and beauty of the displays. 

No matter how you choose to work out, try making a point of exercising at least 3 to 5 times a week. We hope these exercise tips help you. As always, remember Next Day Access wants to help you live safely, comfortably, and independently as you age in place at home.  

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