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Having a strict medication schedule is often important for seniors living at home. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, nearly 90% of adults aged 65 and older take prescription medication. And a significant percentage of those people take multiple prescription drugs at the same time. Keeping them organized is essential, so the proper medication is taken at the right time and in the right quantities. A good caregiver tip is to have the medication separated in a container; so it’s easy to identify. Here are some valuable tips for managing medication safely and conveniently for seniors living at home.

Find A Good Medication Container

A good medication container will have different sections with labels to help identify the medication. Typically, the labels are letters or colored. Having multiple bottles on the counter can get confusing, and it’s easy to mix them up if they don’t end up in their original spot. It’s not worth it to take the wrong medication, so organizing it in an easy-to-use container is valuable.

Use Technology To Schedule Reminders

A good caregiver tip is to utilize technology to schedule medication reminders for seniors living at home. Smartphones and tablets are great resources for providing reminders.The reminders can be recurring, so they won’t have to be reset every time. And if your senior loved one has a hard time with technology, then you can always use a notepad to write down when to take certain medications and the appropriate doses.

Lean On Family For Support

Seniors striving for independent living will often need to lean on family members for support. Sending a text message or calling a senior loved one when it’s time to take medicine is a quick and easy way to remind them. Communication is vital for medication schedules, especially when it’s close to time for a refill. When family members talk to their senior loved ones regularly, they know when it’s almost time to refill a prescription and get ahead of it; so a dose doesn’t get missed.

At Next Day Access, we strive to help seniors enjoy independent living. Many different factors go into successful independent living, and moving around the home safely is one of them. It’s easier to stay on a medication schedule when you don’t have to struggle to get up and go to the other room to take prescription drugs. If there’s anything you need help with to make your home more accessible, contact us at any time.

Weddings are special moments that can be enjoyed and appreciated by people of all ages. While a lot of attention to detail gets placed on decorations, drinks, and food, often the accessibility of the wedding venue can get overlooked. You might have guests with a physical disability or are elderly and need assistance participating on your big day. These tips can help you ensure your wedding is safe and easy for everyone to enjoy.

Select A Wheelchair Accessible Venue

The easiest way to have an inclusive wedding is to select a venue that is wheelchair accessible. An accessible venue may have a wheelchair ramp at one or more entrances, wider stalls in the bathrooms, and other similar accessibility features. Take these features into consideration in your early phases of searching for a wedding venue, so renting accessibility products won’t be on your added to-do’s.

Spread Out The Seating

If you know someone on your guest list has a physical disability, consider spreading out the seating as much as you can. It might not be possible to spread out all the seats due to space limitations but making one section of seating more spread out than others or designating a specific chair for the person with disabilities is a way to accommodate all your guests. They will appreciate that you thought of them and made it easier for them to attend your wedding.

Provide Assistance During The Wedding

Having ushers available during the wedding to walk people to their seats safely can help tremendously. It will give you and others peace of mind to know that your elderly loved ones are escorted safely to their seats. You could also consider having someone to assist with helping people throughout other parts of the wedding. For example, if a person with mobility limitations needs assistance walking from the dinner table to another area of the venue, having someone available to help them will make life easier.

Next Day Access can also help you create a wheelchair accessible wedding venue. A temporary wheelchair ramp can be installed in different locations easily so guests in a wheelchair won’t have any problems attending your wedding. We offer many other accessibility products, aids, and devices as well and are happy to help in any way we can. Don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can be an important part of creating the perfect day for your wedding.

Just because a person has a cognitive or physical disability doesn’t mean they aren’t qualified for certain jobs. But in some situations, your interview processes might be excluding them from being a candidate without even knowing it. It’s valuable for companies to evaluate policies, procedures, and processes periodically and make adjustments as needed. One of those should be your disability-inclusion practices to ensure you are inclusive for people of all abilities and skills. Here are some of the aspects companies should evaluate and adjust regularly.

Evaluate Your Interview Processes

Many times a company’s interview process doesn’t give people with a cognitive disability a chance. For example, a person with autism might be the most qualified candidate you interview because of their skills. However, the person might get overly nervous and not be a good interviewer because of their cognitive disability, and you don’t hire them as a result. A good disability-inclusion practice is to identify candidates with a cognitive disability and adjust your interview practice for them. Provide them with tests or assessments to demonstrate their skills, including the ability to work as a team. You can see how quickly they learn and won’t miss out on a great candidate simply because they are not good at interviews.

Provide Education To All Employees In Your Company

Employees who don’t deal with a disability might not understand or appreciate what others have to go through daily. As an employer, providing this education can help the entire company be more inclusive and help create a better workplace culture. People with a cognitive disability might need additional training, so knowing which disability services are available can help you help them. No one should feel like they are alone trying to figure out things, so the more you can educate employees, the more inclusive your culture will be.

Be Supportive And Engaging

Show your support as an employer by getting involved with organizations providing disability services. There are likely multiple community groups to be a part of and you could strengthen your recruiting pipeline as a result. Networking and connections are critical for both prospects and employers today, and being involved with disability services and organizations can open up a new world of opportunities. Being involved in the community is a great way to create a stronger work environment, and you can create an inclusive one at the same time by engaging with organizations that focus on helping people with disabilities.

Next Day Access can help your company create a physically-inclusive office space. Whether you need a wheelchair ramp installed or if your bathroom needs some modifications, we are here to help. We believe people of all abilities should have the same opportunities and shouldn’t have to struggle to perform routine tasks. In addition to your disability-inclusion practices, consider improving your physical space as well. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a free consultation, contact us at any time.

Accessibility standards have been in place for many years, but due to widespread awareness recently, companies and organizations are adhering to them more. With roughly 25% of all Americans suffering from some sort of disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there has to be a significant amount of disability services to help. The good news is there are plenty of national organizations that can help you locally, regardless of the type of disability you have. We’ve highlighted a few of the most popular disability services that could benefit you or a loved one.

American Association Of People With Disabilities

The AAPD does more than simply provide resources for people with disabilities. The organization is also a catalyst for changing how the country views people with a physical or cognitive disability. People with disabilities sometimes don’t believe they have much economic or political power, and the American Association of People with Disabilities fights to change that.

Job Accommodation Network

People with a physical disability or a cognitive disability should not be denied a job just because of their disability. Many people are just as qualified as the next person, and sometimes even more, but don’t get the job simply because they are disabled. The Job Accommodation Network provides free consultations on job accommodations.

National Organization On Disability

The National Organization on Disability works closely with employers and institutions to discuss innovative and strategic approaches to improve disability inclusion. Their focus is to increase the opportunities for employment for as many working-age people as possible across the country. Many qualified candidates are denied employment due to a physical or cognitive disability, and the National Organization on Disability looks to change that.

American Council Of The Blind

The American Council of the Blind represents many different groups and organizations in the blind community. This includes whole families, entrepreneurs, students, government employees, the LGBTQ community, and many more. Like many other disability services, the American Council of the Blind focuses on inclusion for all, regardless of a specific disability or belief.

There are many more disability services available to help people find their way in life. At Next Day Access, we understand you may go through some struggles with your disability, but seeking out the appropriate resources can help you. When it comes to your day-to-day life, we provide mobility products and devices to help you move around easier in and out of your home. If you have any questions or concerns about your mobility, contact us and we would be happy to speak with you.

Too many people with disabilities choose to stay home rather than explore new things. One of the main reasons is they can’t rely on every location’s accessibility standards being the same. With two out of every five adults aged 65 and older having a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, certain cities have prioritized accessibility standards to cater to residents and visitors. Here are a few of the top cities that are known for being accessible.

Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale, AZ, has a little bit of something for everyone. Many of the attractions throughout the state are designed for people with mobility concerns, and you can easily confirm whether an attraction you’re interested in is wheelchair accessible. Everything from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum to the OdySea Aquarium and even the popular Saguaro National Park offers accessible attractions.

St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis, MO, has long been known as one of the most accessible cities in the United States. The long list of attractions is ever-growing, and there are plenty of resources available to visitors to determine whether a spot is wheelchair accessible. And if you’re thinking about living in St. Louis, various transportation options are available to you to make navigating the city a breeze.

Huntington Beach, California

Huntington Beach, CA, is one of the great cities to visit in your lifetime. And what makes it even better is it offers many wheelchair-accessible attractions that bring in thousands of people with disabilities every year. With so many accessible piers and beaches, you can surely get your beach-fix in when you visit Huntington Beach. Some areas even offer wheelchair rentals designed to move on the beach so you can experience the full beauty of the beach and city.

Denver, Colorado

The Mile-High city provides an abundance of accessible aids, attractions, and transportation options to help people with mobility concerns. It’s a great city to live in and an even more popular city to visit throughout the year. The accessibility standards in Denver are highlighted by the transportation options available to people with disabilities. Trains, buses, and other transit services are designed to help you explore the city with ease.

Next Day Access can be a part of your next trip, wherever it might be. We offer an extensive line of mobility products and devices, including wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and more. We also make traveling with a wheelchair simple by offering easy-to-use auto lifts. You should not be limited because of your mobility concerns, and when you look in the right places, you can see how accessible some areas are. If you need some help getting moving, contact us and we would be happy to discuss some options with you.

According to a survey from the AARP Public Policy Institute and National Conference of State Legislatures, approximately 90% of people age 65 and older want to stay in their homes as long as they possibly can. It makes a lot of sense for people to want to age in place since they are comfortable in their homes. However, some home modifications or accommodations must be met as well to adapt to life as you get older. Home modifications don’t always have to be extensive, though, and here are a few to consider that can make a significant impact on your quality of life.

Add Threshold Ramps

Part of aging in place means eliminating trip and fall hazards. Threshold ramps play an important role in this, and they are easy to install. Temporary threshold ramps can simply be laid down in entryways, but you can also opt for professional installation for a permanent solution. Anyone who uses a mobility device like a wheelchair, walker, scooter, or anything else can feel more confident navigating the home when threshold ramps are present. Your physical disability can be easier to deal with when you don’t have to worry about as many trip hazards. And the peace of mind when walking throughout your home is very underrated when aging in place.

Improve Lighting In Dark Areas

Lighting is another aspect that might need to be upgraded in your home. Evaluate hallways, bathrooms, and other spaces you might have to walk through when it’s dark. Plugging in night lights is easy to do and inexpensive. You could also opt for motion detection lighting so you don’t even have to worry about flipping a switch to get adequate light. Anyone with a physical disability might have trouble moving around in the dark and can easily fall off balance if they don’t anticipate an obstacle. Make aging in place easier to adapt to by improving lighting throughout the home.

Rearrange Furniture

One of the simplest home modifications to complete is rearranging furniture to make the space feel more open. Navigating around couches, tables, rugs, and other things can be dangerous depending on the placement of those items. Plus, creating an open concept can also be aesthetically pleasing and help if you have a cognitive disability. Aging in place is all about creating a safe and comfortable environment. Even if you are healthy and moving around flawlessly now, your situation can change as you get older. Prepare for the future by making your home more accessible now.

Next Day Access helps people age in place so they can live as comfortably as possible. Whether you need a wheelchair ramp, a threshold ramp, need bathroom accessibility, or anything else to help you navigate your home, we’ve got you covered. People have a common misconception that home modifications have to be extensive and expensive to age in place successfully.

When you contact us for a free home evaluation, you might be surprised at how simple and cost-effective it is to make your home safe to age in place for years to come.

High school students getting ready to go to college have a major decision to make regarding which college to attend. This decision is even more difficult if the student has a physical disability. Accessibility standards are not the same across the board, so finding one that focuses on helping people with mobility concerns is important. Colleges are required to accommodate students who have different disabilities, but there are design and structural challenges that might make this unreasonable. As a student getting ready to endure the college experience, here are some tips to consider when it comes to choosing an accessible college.

Connect With Administrators And Disability Services

One of the most important things to remember as a college student with a disability is to reach out to the people who can help. Start with campus administrators and ask what disability services are available to accommodate your needs. These staff members should be able to help you put together your class schedule based on the accessibility of particular buildings. The last thing you want to happen is to sign up for classes and find out that the building isn’t wheelchair accessible on the first day. The campus administrators are there to help you have the most ideal and comfortable college experience, even with your mobility concerns.

Understand Possible Accommodations

Although accessibility standards are in place to help students with disabilities, it’s important to realize there’s not a solution to accommodate everyone. This is especially true with colleges that have been established for decades and constructed when accessibility standards weren’t as high of a priority. When you talk to campus administrators, discuss your mobility concerns and understand what possible accommodations are available. Colleges will often go out of their way to be accommodating, but only when you ask them.

Consider Accessible Living Arrangements And Support Center Availability

Part of the college experience is living on your own in a dorm or an apartment. You have to think about the accessibility standards of your living space in addition to the college campus. Chances are you won’t be the only person on campus with a physical disability, so look into support centers that connect you with other students in similar situations. They might be able to help guide you in the right direction to enhance your college experience.

When you’re ready to go off to college, Next Day Access is here to help in any way we can. We help people with a wide range of mobility concerns and can make your college experience easier to navigate. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about what we have to offer.

Schools have the difficult task of trying to make their spaces accessible for kids of all abilities. Some do a better job than others in this regard, but even small efforts can make a major impact. Adjusting for kids with a physical disability is common. However, creating spaces suitable for kids with a cognitive disability is also important. We’ve discussed three effective ways schools can provide a more accessible space for all kids.

Create More Than One Entrance

Having a single main entrance helps teachers and staff members regulate who comes in and out throughout the day. But it can also become busy quickly when kids arrive and leave at the same time. For kids with a physical disability, it’s easy for them to get bumped into and fall over and potentially injure themselves. And kids with a cognitive disability might experience some anxiety with so many people in a small area. Creating multiple entrances can be a great solution to spread out some of the foot traffic. The school might need to put a couple of extra staff members by the additional entrances, but it’s worth it when you consider the safety of the students.

Spaces For Kids To Take A Break

Kids sometimes thrive when they have safe spaces. It allows them to unwind if they are feeling nervous or anxious. Schools can adjust their areas by clearing unused spaces and creating spots for kids to take a break. This could simply mean adding a bench or two away from the action on the playground or setting up a small canopy for kids to chill under. The important thing is the space needs to be away from where the main action is taking place, so kids feel like they have a safe spot to take a break from it all. Kids with a cognitive disability need this occasionally to keep their anxiety levels minimized.

Make Bathroom Spaces Open

When the break bell rings, the bathroom could get filled up with kids quickly. Creating an open concept in the bathroom can make it a safer place, especially for kids with a physical disability. Tight spaces are not easy to navigate, in general, but kids with a physical disability can find it particularly challenging. Not to mention they could lose their balance and seriously injure themselves while other kids are trying to rush in and out to get back to class in time. Sometimes all it takes is knocking out a wall or expanding an existing wall a few feet to create an open concept to make the bathroom easier to navigate.

Kids constantly have to adapt to changing environments at school. Schools can help as well by offering different options for kids with cognitive or physical disabilities. Some spaces might be limited due to available space or construction concerns, but many times it doesn’t take a major renovation project to create accessible spaces. Next Day Access can help provide you with some tips on how to make your school accessible for kids of all abilities. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation today.

When you have a physical disability, some of the simplest tasks can be challenging. It’s always important to ask for help when you need something so you can prevent hurting yourself. You should also use the resources available to you to make life a little easier. Nike has designed a new hands-free tennis shoe to help a person with disability concerns put their shoes on with ease. The company has made tremendous strides in adaptability and creating shoes more accessible to people so you should learn more about the Nike GO FlyEase hands-free shoes.

How Nike’s Hands-Free Tennis Shoe Works

The Nike GO FlyEase shoes are designed with a tensioner and a bi-stable hinge that functions similarly to a rubber band. The shoe opens and closes without having to use your hands and will remain secure and stable in each position. All you have to do is slide your feet in and you’re ready to go on your adventures, even if you’re just walking from one room to another or into your backyard.

Who Can Benefit From The Hands-Free Shoe?

Nike designed the GO FlyEase shoes for people with a physical disability. However, anyone who is too busy to tie their shoes or simply doesn’t like tying shoes can benefit as well. Imagine wrangling up kids in the morning to go to school, rushing to get to work, or even being a college kid trying to get to class on time. It seems like tying shoes can set you behind even though it just takes a few seconds to do. The ability to simply slip on the shoes and still look stylish is highly underrated and can benefit a wide range of people.

Make Life Easier And More Accessible When Possible

A person with disability concerns should look for ways to make life easier. The Nike GO FlyEase shoes are available to do exactly that. People with a physical disability often don’t realize how much of a struggle it is to put on their shoes, but they have to do it because they don’t know any other way. Life is all about adaptability, and Nike’s hands-free tennis shoes allow you more independence and convenience when putting on your shoes.

Next Day Access offers mobility aids and devices to complement your Nike hands-free tennis shoes. Just like Nike’s GO FlyEase shoes, our products are designed to help people with mobility limitations move around easier and gain more independence. If you’re looking for ways to boost your accessibility and convenience in your home, contact us and we would be happy to talk to you about our products.

Greater Toronto, Canada, April 26, 2021: Next Day Access is pleased to announce the opening of its newest location in the Greater Toronto area. This is the first international development for the company. This location will serve the greater Toronto area as a leading provider in mobility and accessibility solutions. 

Mobility Solutions by Next Day Access Toronto

The company is proud to offer a variety of products and has a large inventory of wheelchair ramps, stairlifts, grab bars, and other bathroom safety products to promote independent living. Next Day Access products and services can easily be found on the Next Day Access website.

The family-run business is owned and managed by President, Taylor Walker and Vice President, Meredith Walker, a husband-and-wife team. They both have a passion to bring freedom to those with mobility limitations. Short-term and long-term solutions are available with a variety of products to accommodate each customer’s unique situation and abilities.

Taylor Walker’s passion for the mobility industry began when he became the Director of Dealer Development for Next Day Access’ parent company, American Access, Inc. The company’s expansion into Canada was rooted in his relationship with the leadership team at Next Day Access and a shared vision in developing the Greater Toronto market.

“We’re excited to open the first Next Day Access franchise in Canada,” Taylor Walker said. “We look forward to developing the Greater Toronto Area. Our desire is to help bring mobility solutions and to improve the quality of life to those with accessibility needs.”

Meeting Your Accessibility Needs

Next Day Access strives to provide high-quality and reliable accessibility products and services. The company offers a rapid response with free on-site consultations to provide the best solutions. Rent, buy, and rent-to-own options are available with the mobility products. Installation services are also offered with products quickly installed by mobility experts. The certified installers value customer safety, product reliability, and understand the importance of assisting with each clients’ needs. 

The Greater Toronto location is a milestone for the company and stands out as the first international Next Day Access franchise. The company looks forward to expanding its brand and services into the Canadian market.

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