Everyone should start thinking about retirement at an early age. When you’re younger, this might mean saving as much money as you can so you can have a decent amount saved when you get older. But then once you are near retirement, it’s time to start thinking about the lifestyle you want and make concrete plans for the future. More seniors than ever before strive for independent living today, and here are some tips on how to achieve it.
Think About The Lifestyle You Want
According to the Population Reference Bureau, the predicted number of the US population aged 65 and older is roughly 95 million people by 2060 compared to 52 million people in 2018. Many of these people choose to age in place for various reasons, and part of retirement is determining if and how you’ll age in place. When planning your post-retirement lifestyle, think about if you want to live at your current location, move closer to family, travel more often, and other factors. Once you have an idea of how you’d like to live in the later years of life, you can start focusing on finances.
Get Your Finances In Order
An important part of independent living is ensuring you have enough money to match the lifestyle you desire after retirement. Look at your monthly retirement income and compare it to what you expect to spend. It may be hard to imagine how much money you will need, so it’s better to leave some wiggle room in your budget. If you need to, consider speaking with a financial planner to ensure all bases for a smooth and comfortable retirement are covered.
Prepare Now For A Smooth Retirement
If you plan to age in place throughout your retirement years, think about what you can do now to make the transition easier. For example, if it’s getting increasingly difficult to use the stairs, invest in a stair lift now so you won’t put as much strain on your body. You can also begin downsizing some of your furnishings or belongings you might not need after you retire. And if you’re thinking about moving to a new location after retirement, now is the time to begin looking so you can budget accordingly.
Next Day Access offers mobility aids and devices to help seniors achieve independent living long after they retire. The hardest part about retirement planning is the uncertainty of the different variables. So in this case, it’s usually ideal to plan too much rather than not plan enough. If you have any questions about how we can help with your mobility post-retirement, contact us at any time.