People with disabilities sometimes avoid traveling entirely because of the unknown accessibility standards at the destination. You shouldn���t have to alter your life significantly in this regard simply because you have a disability. Sometimes all it takes is a little planning and preparation to see what accommodations can be made, what mobility equipment may be available for rent, and other options to help you enjoy your time. The next time you get an itch to travel, consider these preparation tips to make the experience a more enjoyable one.

Find Out About Accessibility Options At Your Destination

Wherever you plan on going, look at the accessibility standards the destination has. Consider every point in your journey, including the airport, hotel, and local attractions you’ll be visiting during your stay. Companies have generally improved their accessibility standards over the years, but you don’t want to assume anything. Ask if they offer wheelchair rental services or have a mobility scooter available to rent. Getting these answers can help you plan your trip with peace of mind knowing you’ll be able to do the things you want to do as easily as possible.

Allow For More Time Than You May Need

Once you get your travel plans together and it’s time to start your trip, it’s important to allow more time than what you think you need. The airport lines could be long and set you back several minutes, especially if you have to travel with medication or any type of mobility aids that have to be checked. You may end up ahead of schedule when you allow yourself more time, but it’s better than having to rush and potentially miss your flight.

Understand Accessibility Standards

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 3.6 million people in the United States don’t leave their homes because they have a disability that limits their travel. Some of these people don’t travel simply because they prefer not to and are content being in their home, but others don’t because of the unknown of how their disability situation will be handled. Airports, hotels, and other destinations have accessibility standards they must follow, and everyone has the right to travel. Do some research on the rights you have to safe travel, and you may feel more comfortable about venturing out more often. And don’t be afraid to remind a staff member about your rights if you know the laws.

Next Day Access strives to help people with disabilities live the life they want. You shouldn’t have to limit the places you go because of your disability unless it’s a personal preference. Many destinations today offer wheelchair rentals and other mobility aids to help people get around easily and safely. You may need to prepare for a trip a little more than you normally would, but the preparation will be worth it in the end. If there’s anything we can do to help you on your next journey, contact us at any time.