The Bureau of Transportation Statistics states that 23% of the people with disabilities rely on some sort of mobility equipment. And out of that 23%, roughly 22% rely on a manual wheelchair and 10% rely on an electric wheelchair or scooter. While public places across the country have improved their accessibility over the years, there are still plenty of challenges people with limited mobility face. If you depend on your wheelchair, scooter or other mobility devices, you need accessibility to use them. With compact and portable products like threshold ramps and wheelchair ramps, you can take accessibility wherever you need to go.
Easy-To-Move Threshold Ramps
Threshold ramps are typically compact in design so they can fit in the back of a truck, car or SUV with ease. They are also made of different materials, such as plastic, aluminum and rubber, and can come in different widths so you’re sure to find the right one to fit your needs. Even the smallest change in elevation when entering a public facility or a home can be difficult for someone with balance concerns. When you have an easy-to-move portable threshold ramp, you can take it with you and easily position it so your mobility isn’t a concern.
Portable Wheelchair Ramps
Products like portable wheelchair ramps are becoming more popular by the day because of their compact size, ease of use and versatility. They are available in different sizes and widths depending on your needs. You could keep one in your vehicle for the sole purpose of using it to get in and out of the vehicle, or you could even invest in a couple of them to use when you are on vacation or an extended stay somewhere. Many of them fold up compactly for easy storage and have a carrying handle to make transporting it a breeze.
Compact, Portable Wheelchairs
If you have a primary wheelchair you use around the house or to take care of daily tasks, consider also getting a more compact portable wheelchair. In some models, the frame and back are foldable so they can fit into virtually any vehicle without taking up a significant amount of space. They also have easily removable parts to make it even easier to store when not in use. While a portable wheelchair may not be your first choice for your primary wheelchair, it can make things much easier when traveling so you don’t have to load up your big primary wheelchair to transport.
Next Day Access is here to make accessibility easy wherever you decide to go. The reality is many homes and establishments aren’t catered to people with mobility limitations, so we offer products and solutions to ensure you can live a normal day-to-day life. To learn more about our products and schedule a free home assessment, contact us at any time.