Fawssit SS4040
The Fawssit SS4040 is best for those that need just a bit more room. Similar to the S2000 standard model, it is recommended to individuals who have trouble to use standard showers or bathtubs. The size of the shower is 42″ wide and 42″ deeps and stands 48″ tall.
- Multiple size and design options
- All side privacy curtains for full enclosure
- Durable canvas bottom
- Compact in size for easy transport
- Shower folds for convenient storage
- Germicide-imbedded vinyl curtains help prevent mold and mildew
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Fawssit SS4040 FAQS
How do you use the SS4040?
With this unit, the person to be bathed can be rolled into the shower stall in a standard shower/commode style of wheelchair. Once inside the shower stall, a front support bar is lowered so that the fourth side of the shower pan can be attached for wastewater collection. A front shower curtain may be brought around for the person who is able to do their own bathing, or may be left open for easier caregiver access to assist with the bathing.
What is the difference between the standard shower and the SS4040 Super standard?
The SS4040 Super Standard FAWSsit™ shower stall is slightly larger than the S2000 Standard model for those that need just a bit more room. For those who find that traditional bathing facilities are difficult or impossible to use, and who may not be able to do remodeling of the bathroom to allow for full accessibility, the SS4040 is the solution. It was also designed for individuals who may be able to fit into a standard sized wheelchair, but who may have foot or leg issues which require additional depth to accommodate their foot extension. And it costs about 1/10th of a remodel.
What water source needs to be used for the SS4040?
The source of water for the shower unit is any standard sink faucet. And, there is a pump which pulls the waste water from the drain pan. There is a hose attached to the pump unit which returns the wastewater to the sink drain for disposal. (See Operations and Maintenance for tips on using and maintaining the FAWSsit™ portable shower.)
What are the product specifications for the SS4040?
- White plastic germicide embedded privacy shower curtain
- Front curtain attached to side
- Flexible rubber faucet attachments
- Double layer vinyl drain pan
- Custom designed diaphragm wet/dry pump
- 48 inches Tall
42 Inches Wide
42 Inches Deep