People with diabetes often have concerns about the holidays. Whether it’s managing diabetes with the meals they eat, the stress the holidays bring, or anything else, it’s no secret the holidays add an extra element to trying to stay as healthy as possible. Preparing yourself ahead of time by putting together a plan can help you maintain healthy habits and get through the holiday season without any issues. And when that happens, you’ll likely have a much more enjoyable experience overall. Follow these tips to help manage your diabetes this holiday season.
Cut Fats In Your Holiday Recipes
If you are preparing holiday meals, consider substituting fats with healthier options. For example, use less oil than what a recipe calls for or substitute a portion of it with unsweetened applesauce. Using olive oil or canola oil are also good substitutes to use whenever possible instead of ingredients like butter. It may require some creativity to cut out common fats used in recipes, but it is possible to do.
Focus On Portion Control During Meals
When managing diabetes, portion control during holiday meals is essential. Consuming too much food can negatively impact blood sugar levels, so keeping your good habits is something to be aware of. Visualize your dinner plate in four different sections. Choose a lean protein to take up one quadrant of your plate, your favorite carbohydrate for another quadrant, and vegetables for the remaining half of your plate. Of course, the size of your plate makes a difference too, so consider that along with the ingredients contained within each dish.
Keep Stress Levels Under Control
Stress is sometimes an inevitable part of the holidays, and it’s important to keep those levels under control when managing diabetes. Whether it’s mental or physical stress, blood sugar levels can be impacted if you don’t work to manage it. Practice deep breathing exercises, yoga, or other forms of meditation before potentially stressful events. And when all else fails, remove yourself from any situation that may cause you to be stressed.
Exercise Before And After Meals
The good habits you have put in place all year don’t have to be thrown out the window during the holidays. You may have to get creative with your exercise routine, but most of the time, you should be able to find 15 minutes before and after holiday meals to get some physical activity in. Doing so could help curb your appetite and help avoid overeating if that’s one of the concerns you have.
Next Day Access is here to help seniors and people with disabilities enjoy the holiday season. We offer various mobility aids and devices designed to help people be safe, whether they are in their home or visiting another home. Managing your diabetes is critical during the holidays, and it’s possible to do with some effort and planning. If there’s anything we can do to assist you this holiday season, contact us at any time.