Contrary to popular belief, a home modification to improve accessibility can actually increase your home’s value. With just a few adjustments you can drastically improve not only your home’s value but also its desirability when you get ready to sell. Next Day Access has compiled a list of simple home modifications you can do to improve your quality of life at home and improve your selling chances when you put your home on the market.
Simple Home Modifications
It’s time to start looking down.
Your flooring is one of the simplest fixes you can do to make your home more accessible. Carpet makes moving around much harder for both people in wheelchairs and those who use canes or walkers. Uneven flooring can also be cause for concern as it creates a hazard. By replacing these items with level hardwoods, you make your home much more accessible. It also increases your home’s value with an ROI of up to 250%.
Bigger is better.
Another thing to consider when making your home more accessibility friendly is widening the entryways and hallways. Standard doorways can be anywhere from around 24” to 32”. Ideally, widening door and entryways to 36” will make them not only more accessible to those in wheelchairs but also anyone carrying a package, groceries, or a child.
Hallways are another area you may consider widening. Although this can be an expensive fix, it can also do wonders for the overall look of your home. Adding just 6” to the width of your hallway can make your home seem much larger, adding square footage where there wasn’t any before.
Make everyday a spa day.
It’s widely known that kitchen and bathroom remodels are where you can get the most bang for your buck when it comes to ROI. One project that can take your bathroom to a whole new level is installing a zero-entry shower. Not only do these showers give the ambiance of a spa but they are also easily accessible for those with mobility issues. Next Day Access has a wide range of fully accessible shower options to make your spa bathroom a reality.
An Easy Home Modification Can Increase ROI
Whether home modification means a simple update or you are looking to adjust for limited mobility, there are simple fixes you can implement. As you look to change your home, know that these fixes can actually improve your home’s value while making your life easier at the same time. Contact Next Day Access today if you want to discuss even more ways you can make your home barrier-free for everyone!