Millions of Americans across the country use a mobility device, such as an electric scooter, to help improve their mobility. Considering an estimated one in every four people over the age of 65 suffer a fall every year, looking into mobility scooters is beneficial for many reasons. Most of them can be operated indoors and outdoors, but some are easier to transport than others. Buying the right type of mobility scooter is essential, and here are some of the basics to consider to ensure you select the right one for your needs.
Physical Considerations
Think about the physical capabilities of the user as well as the electric scooter you’re interested in. The person needs to be strong enough to control the scooter comfortably. This can be tested by sitting on different scooters and evaluating the seating position, leg positioning and more. Many scooters offer adjustability features, which can be valuable if you plan on using the scooter for multiple purposes. Also, take a look at the weight capacity to ensure the scooter will support the person and any extra items like personal items or medical equipment.
Primary Riding Locations
Where you’ll ride the electric scooter is also an important consideration. If the primary location for riding will just be around the house, then you’ll want a more compact scooter designed to make tight turns. For primarily riding outdoors, think about getting one with high ground clearance and that’s lightweight for ease of transporting. These are ideal if you go grocery shopping often, spend time at shopping malls or other similar places. Three-wheeled mobility scooters offer the most maneuverability and they are also lighter and more compact than the four-wheeled versions. The main benefit of buying a four-wheeled scooter is it provides a more even weight distribution. This is particularly valuable if you will be riding over rough or uneven terrain and need added stability.
Transporting and Storing Your Electric Scooter
If you’ll be using your scooter inside and outside of the home, storage and transportation should be a priority. This may mean rearranging furniture in the home to accommodate the scooter. Transporting a mobility scooter is simple with the right vehicle lift. The perfect lift is available for every situation, but you’ll need to evaluate your vehicle to determine which is the right one for you. These may seem like small details, but in the grand scheme of things, they will go a long way to make your experience with your scooter much more convenient.
Next Day Access is here to help you navigate through all of the variables of buying a mobility scooter. Having one can be a life-changing experience so it’s worth pursuing if you have any mobility limitations. Buying a mobility scooter is a timely process with all of the options and features available, but it’s worth it in the end for most people. We are ready and willing to answer any questions you have, so contact us at any time.