It can be difficult to watch an elderly loved one have mobility limitations. The good news is mobility aids can significantly improve their range and boost their quality of life at the same time. The hardest part is convincing them that a mobility device can do those things. According to, nearly seven million Americans use assistive devices to boost their mobility, but chances are your loved one will still think they can get by without one. There are plenty of wrong ways to begin the conversation with them, but we’ve focused on some of the most effective ways to recommend a mobility aid to them.
Discuss The Independence A Mobility Aid Offers
Telling your elderly loved one they need a mobility aid at home to prevent them from living in a nursing home isn’t the ideal approach. Instead, tell them how a wheelchair ramp or a stair lift could improve their independence so they won’t have to rely on help as much. It can be tough for an elderly loved one to admit they need help, but if they can understand a mobility device can prevent them from asking you for help, then they may be more open to looking into different options.
Talk About Available Options
Your elderly loved one may have a negative perception of what a mobility aid is. Provide them with information about what you believe could be beneficial for them, including a stair lift, mobility scooter, platform lift or other options. Using a cane or a walker may not be attractive to them, so presenting them with more attractive options may help them think differently.
Test Or Rent A Mobility Device Before Buying It
The last thing you want to do is surprise them with a stair lift or other device and they resent it as a result. When you’ve recommended a certain product, ask a reputable provider if you can test it or rent it as a trial before investing in one. Allow your elderly loved one to try it out and point out the benefits to them as they use it. Again, the focus should be on the independence it offers, which is one of the most attractive aspects of living at home for seniors.
Give Them Some Freedom When Making A Decision
Let your loved one play a role in the decision of investing in a mobility aid. They will be more likely to use it and enjoy it if they feel like the decision was theirs rather than someone else making it for them. If you believe a mobility scooter is right for them, allow them to customize it to their liking. Making the process as fun as possible and giving them some freedom will increase the chances of them using and enjoying the product more often.
Next Day Access offers a wide range of mobility solutions to provide you and your loved one with peace of mind. Our experts can answer any questions and even demonstrate how products work so you can have a clear vision for the benefits offered. It all starts with a free home assessment, so contact us today to see how we can help.