“It’s become more difficult to climb the stairs…”
“Since my husband died, it’s a strange feeling cooking for just one person…”
“We built this house almost fifty years ago and raised our children here — no other place will ever seem like home to me…”
These are all common concerns for seniors living at home, or even people who may not necessarily be elderly, but have a hard time getting around. With some help, it’s not only possible to stay in your own home, but it’s preferable from a health perspective. Did you know that “aging in place” has benefits for memory, life expectancy, and overall health?
Population studies estimate that by the mid-2030s, one in three U.S. households will be headed by someone 65 or older. According to the Harvard Joint Center, that’s almost 80 million people living in their homes and enjoying an increased quality of life.
Or, if you’re caregiving for an aging parent, we know that considering various housing options can be a bewildering task. You want to make sure they have the care they need 24/7, but you also want them to be as comfortable as possible, both physically and mentally. Here are a few benefits of aging in place for seniors looking for an enhanced quality of life.
No Risk of Homesickness
Everyone feels safer, more secure and comfortable in their own home. Assisted-living facilities provide an opportunity for your loved one to create new friendships and socialize, but homesickness is also a genuine possibility. Loneliness can put anyone in a depressed mental state, which can exacerbate other emotional and physical concerns. Investing in the proper equipment, home improvements and gear is often preferable instead of moving to a strange place.
Maintain Independence, Comfort and Familiarity
It can be scary to feel like you’re at the mercy of a caretaker when living in an assisted-living facility. According to RetirementLiving.com, there are significant mental and physical benefits of staying in your home and aging in place. Getting accustomed to different routines, diets, and schedules can be difficult for someone at any age! With a little help, it’s easy to continue living at home and maintain your independence, comfort, and familiarity. Stairlifts, handrails, and wheelchair access ramps are all simple additions that can make one’s home more accessible and safer.
The Cost-Effectiveness of Aging in Place
In addition to all of the mental and physical benefits of homecare, it’s less expensive for most people! Assisted-living facilities have a high upfront cost and can significantly deplete savings over the years. Have you considered the affordable alternative of having a home equipped with proper equipment, mobility and safety devices? The total expense of these improvements are typically much less than the cost of a facility and can add value to the equity in your home.
Next Day Access has everything you need to ensure that you — or your loved one — is safe, comfortable and healthy. From stairlifts to wheelchairs, ramps to bedroom solutions and everything in between, Next Day Access covers every aspect of aging in place.
We are always ready to help, so contact us to see how our products and solutions can help you and your family today.