Last year Next Day Access of Nashville received a call about having a platform lift installed at the 6000 acre ranch of a country music legend in Tennessee.
The ranch, located halfway between Memphis and Nashville in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee, stays busy year-round by hosting private events, horse shows, motocross competitions, concerts, and camping. And it also happens to be owned by Loretta Lynn.
Over the course of the year, the ranch hosts close to 500,000 visitors of all ages each year, but they were lacking some critical accessibility options for older, disabled, and generally less mobile guests…which is when they called Next Day Access.
After meeting with the ranch manager and conducting an evaluation of the building, Next Day Access of Nashville determined that a Bruno Vertical Platform Lift would be the most appropriate option to assist guests entering and exiting the main stage building. Thanks to some close work between Next Day Access and Bruno, the process was expedited and the customized platform lift was installed in just 11 days, from the initial phone call to having the platform lift installed and in working order.
Next Day Access is available to provide home accessibility equipment and installations right in your home. We can help you with having a platform lift installed, grab bars placed in your bathroom or shower, ramp installations, patient lifts and even pool lifts.
Contact us today to find your local Next Day Access franchise at (800) 423-0751.