You can’t always predict when you’ll be unable to move around as well as you used to. Aging can happen more quickly than you expected, or a sudden injury could significantly limit your mobility. This is a problem if you have a multi-level home that’s not designed for accessibility for people with mobility limitations. The good news is you don’t have to buy a new home, and there are plenty of accessibility products to keep you mobile.
Stair Lifts
Installing stair lifts in a multi-level home is one of the first options to consider. They install on your staircase and can work on straight or curved staircases with multiple landings. Indoor and outdoor stair lifts are available so you can continue enjoying every aspect of your home even if you aren’t able to walk up or down the stairs easily. Simply sit on the stair lift and with a push of a button, you’ll be moving up and down the stairs without lifting a foot.
In-Home Elevator
If you plan on living in your current multi-level home for many more years, but don’t anticipate your mobility getting any better, then an in-home elevator could be a great solution. In-home elevators today are designed to be as compact as possible, while still providing a person plenty of room to get in and out with ease. They can also typically be installed in any home, but modifications may be required in some cases.
Wheelchair Ramps
Whether you use a wheelchair regularly or not, installing wheelchair ramps can be life-changing. Not having to go up and down stairs to get inside or outside your home makes for a safer and more confident experience. The incline is gradual enough to where it’s easy to keep your balance and stability and there’s a much smaller risk of tripping and falling. A wheelchair ramp may be the first accessibility product you invest in to help you navigate in and around your multi-level home.
Grab Bars
Grab bars are simple to install and can be placed anywhere throughout your home. Put them on either side of your staircase and you can feel secure knowing you’re holding on to something steady as you go up and down. Many falls up and down stairs occur because the person doesn’t have confidence in each step and loses their balance. Grab bars are simple solutions to boost stability instantly in any home.
At Next Day Access, we strive to make living in your home as easy as possible. Going through the stress and headaches of buying a new home to meet your needs is unnecessary when you think about the accessibility products available today. Our trained professionals can make your current home more accessible no matter what your specific requirements entail. We are ready to help by providing a free home assessment, so contact us today to get started.