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Aches and pains are a normal part of getting older for some people. Others might not experience any issues at all. Everyone is different, but the aging population should be aware of some of the health conditions they are at risk. It’s important to pay attention to your body and the changes it’s experiencing. Seek a medical professional to help you decide the changes you can make to fit your lifestyle. Here are a few common health conditions that you could experience as you get older.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a large percentage of the aging population, roughly 23% of adults, have some form of arthritis. Arthritis can be inconvenient for senior living because it makes people feel like they can’t do anything at times. While there isn’t a treatment to eliminate arthritis, your medical professional can prescribe medication to relieve some pain to help you participate in everyday activities.

Sensory Concerns

Sensory concerns are also prominent with the aging population. Vision and hearing loss are the two most common issues seniors face, and most of the time, they can’t be avoided and are just a natural part of getting older. The solutions for these conditions are investing in hearing aids or glasses. But if you develop any other sensory issues, find the appropriate solution as soon as possible so you won’t risk injuring yourself.


Osteoporosis is another common health condition.The body naturally loses bone mass as it gets older, causing bones to break more easily. Maintaining healthy habits by eating a balanced diet and exercising can help keep bones strong. Osteoporosis development can happen rapidly, leading to an increased chance of seniors falling and potentially injuring themselves seriously.

Seniors should notice slow or rapid changes in their health as they get older. Ignoring signs and symptoms now could lead to larger health concerns later, so seek advice from either family members or professionals immediately when you notice changes. Chances are the changes are simply a natural part of getting older and won’t need significant attention, but you don’t want to risk your health by taking no action. Next Day Access is here to help you create a safe living environment at home by offering various mobility aids and devices. Be sure to contact us to schedule a free home assessment and see how we can help.

Are you looking forward to retiring after being in the workforce for several decades? How you choose to live during your retirement years is up to you based on how you’ve planned to get to that point. If you want to make the most of your retirement years, plan some of the fun things you’ve been putting off due to work or other responsibilities. We’ve got some ideas to help you make the most of your retirement.

Move Into Your Dream Home

Many people live in the same house throughout their careers for multiple reasons. You may have had the perfect home for raising kids, so it didn’t make sense to move. Or it could have been the most affordable house you could fit into your budget at the time. Whether you want to downsize or upgrade some home features, consider moving into your dream home.You might even consider renovating your current home if the thought of moving at retirement age isn’t appealing to you. If you plan to age in place you owe it to yourself to have a home you can be comfortable in and enjoy it.

Be Active In The Community

According to an article from Harvard Medical School, some of the US population, particularly men, can lose their sense of purpose as they get older. While you might not want to go back to work, it’s important to find something that you can be a part of. There are likely many organizations in your community you can get involved with. Volunteering is a great way to fulfill your sense of purpose and can be beneficial to your mental health as well. When you think about independent living, you should think about both your physical and mental wellbeing and having an active presence in the community can help both.

Work Through Your Once-In-A-Lifetime List

If you haven’t already, make a list of things you want to do or experience.When you match your activities and experiences with your budget, you can enjoy them thoroughly knowing they were planned for. Retirement should be about living a new chapter in your life, so do the things you’ve always wanted to do.

Next Day Access can help seniors age in place successfully. We offer various mobility aids and products to provide seniors with the resources they need to live independently. Retiring is a major milestone in life, but it’s just the beginning of an exciting life ahead. If you need any assistance with home modifications to help you age in place, feel free to contact us at any time.

Technology has changed the way we do a lot of things in life. Telehealth appointments have been on the rise in recent years and have peaked drastically in the past year due to the pandemic. These types of appointments will likely remain as more of the norm than the exception, especially for seniors with mobility concerns who may struggle to get to their physical appointments on time. Since telehealth appointments are becoming more popular, here are some tips to consider to help you make the most out of yours.

Speak To Your Insurance Provider

Many insurance providers cover telehealth appointments, but you should call them if you’re unsure. The last thing you want to happen is to receive an unexpected medical bill in the mail. You might have to pay a copay at the very least, so calling your provider to confirm what is covered can prevent unwelcome surprises.

Write Down Pre-Existing Conditions, Symptoms, And Questions

Once you have the insurance situation figured out, you can prepare for your appointment with the doctor. It can be easy to forget things, so think about and write down any pre-existing conditions you have, symptoms you’re experiencing, the timeline of your symptoms, and any questions you might have. You could be limited to a certain amount of time at your telehealth appointment, so you want to make sure you cover everything you need to make the most of it. Be sure to mention any physical disability or cognitive disability you have, even if you don’t believe it’s relevant to your current illness or situation. Let the doctor decide whether it’s relevant or not.

Isolate Yourself To Minimize Disruptions

You don’t want your telehealth appointment to be interrupted by kids, pets, or anyone you’re living with. Tell anyone else in your household that you’ll be going to a quiet room and would appreciate privacy. Telehealth appointments are important to focus on throughout, so minimize as many distractions as possible to create a better experience for both you and your medical professional on the other end.

Charge Your Device

Another thing that often gets overlooked when preparing for telehealth appointments is the battery level of the device you’re using. Make sure it’s charged completely, and have your charger handy in case the battery life decreases quicker than expected. You might not be able to get up quickly to grab your charger if you have mobility concerns, so be as prepared as possible to have a successful experience. You might have problems reconnecting with the same medical professional, and you don’t want to have to start all over with a new one.

Next Day Access keeps up with the changing times we live in. Technology plays a vital role in our day-to-day lives so it’s something everyone should embrace. Telehealth appointments will be more of the norm in the future, which can benefit you greatly if you have mobility concerns. If you believe your home could be more accessible to help you navigate a physical disability or mobility limitation, contact us at any time to schedule a free home assessment.

Whether you’re a caregiver to your aging parents or not, monitoring their health is important. Natural changes occur in everyone as they get older, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a cognitive disability is developing. The most challenging part is identifying what a normal part of aging is and an abnormal change.  Being aware of the changes is the best way to help you identify the differences between normal and abnormal cognition changes. Here are some things to keep in mind as a caregiver.

Warning Signs To Look Out For

Some of the changes your senior loved one experiences might be sudden. Common warning signs that might signify larger issues are in play include:

  • Inability to recall events that occurred within the last few days
  • Losing interest in hobbies or interacting with others
  • Rapid weight gain or lose
  • Trouble remembering taking medication, showering, eating, or other routine tasks
  • Changes in personality

It’s important for a caregiver to monitor these signs and take action when needed. The earlier the signs are brought to the attention of a medical professional, the better the chances are that the symptoms can be reversed.

Ask About Sleep, Exercise, And Diet

 A lack of sleep, exercise, and a poor diet could be some of the warning signs. These are incredibly important factors to a person’s cognitive health and could be simple solutions to reverse the negative effects. Ask your aging parents if they have been sleeping well or if they wake up multiple times each night. Also, ask them questions about their diet and if they need any assistance preparing healthier food options. Many seniors often neglect exercising because of the fear of falling or experiencing pain. Regardless of the situation, an important part of senior living is having a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and sleeping well, so those aspects need to be prioritized so it won’t lead to cognitive decline.

Steps To Take If You Have A Serious Concern

Whether you’re providing primary senior care to an aging parent or not, take the necessary steps to get them help when needed. Confronting a parent isn’t always easy, but it could be necessary for their short-term and long-term health. You can help by taking them to a doctor’s appointment to get evaluated and keeping in close contact with them. Open lines of communication are essential, and those lines of communication have to work both ways to be effective.

Next Day Access is here to help you provide the most effective senior care possible for your aging parents. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need assistance with home modifications for your senior loved one.

There are lots of talks about the dangers of outdoor pollutants in the air. But what some people may not realize is the air pollutants that exist inside your home. Indoor air quality should be seen as a priority, especially for those aging in place who are indoors more often than others. The World Health Organization mentions several health concerns related to poor indoor air quality, including cardiovascular disease, acute lower respiratory infections, lung cancer, and more. We’ve discussed some of the health benefits of having clean indoor air.

Mental Health Benefits

People exposed to certain particulate matter regularly could have a higher chance of having poor mental health. The particulate matter can create oxidative stress and inflammation of the brain, leading to depression. An easy-to-change healthy habit is to switch the use of household products that contain harsh chemicals to natural cleaning products. Also, consider including indoor plants in your home to help purify the air. Snake plants and English ivy are two common household plants that can improve indoor air quality and mental health.

Reduce The Chances Of Developing A Disease

Part of senior living is knowing what is beneficial for your health and what isn’t. While things like wood-burning stoves are nice and warm in the winter, breathing in the pollutants can be harmful and eventually lead to developing a disease. Some healthy habits to consider in this regard include replacing your wood-burning stove with another safer option. Depending on the heat source you have for the winter, it is also ideal to have a professional inspect it annually to ensure it’s operating correctly and not releasing harmful pollutants in your home.

Increase Comfort Levels In Your Home

Good indoor air quality can also help seniors aging in place feel comfortable at home. When certain particulates are in the air, they can cause coughing, sneezing, skin irritation, and other side effects. Depending on the time of year and where you live, consider opening up windows occasionally when the weather is nice outside. You can also consider investing in an air purifier that removes pollutants from the air. You might be surprised at how comfortable you feel overall in your home when you clean up the air.

Many different factors go into successful independent senior living. From indoor air quality to navigating the home safely, everything needs to be considered. Next Day Access is here to help seniors have a safe and enjoyable experience while aging in place. If there’s anything you need to improve the accessibility of your home, contact us today to schedule a free home assessment.

While you may not be able to take years off your life, there are some things you can do to make yourself feel a little younger. These tips can help you restore youthfulness and make senior living more enjoyable with just these small, daily efforts. Consider these tips to help you feel younger as you get older.

Develop Healthy Habits

When you eat an unhealthy diet, you could lack energy and feel sluggish more often. And you know the old saying “you are what you eat”? Eating an unhealthy diet can also impact the appearance of your skin. It’s not too late to develop healthy habits, and it starts at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner table. Eliminate sugary foods and snacks as much as possible and opt for fruits and vegetables instead. You might not feel like you’ve taken years off your life on day one of incorporating healthy habits, but you could slowly start feeling more energized as you stick with them.

Discover a New Hobby

Picking up a new hobby is another great way to make you feel younger again. Anything from gardening to writing, trying something new can boost your self-esteem and be rewarding. You could also consider volunteering at your local food pantry or an animal shelter. Hobbies can promote better health and stress levels for the aging population

Move As Much As You Can

Being mobile is essential for senior living. The more you sit on the couch or recliner, the worse you’ll feel day after day. Take steps to increase your mobility every day. Whether it’s cleaning the house, doing yard work, walking around the block, or any other form of exercise, something is better than nothing. When you prioritize mobility, your muscles will feel better, and the aches and pains might not be as severe. These are essential factors for successful senior living.

Next Day Access is here to help seniors restore some of their youthfulness. Being immobile is one of the worst things that can happen to seniors, so we want to help you get moving. We offer an extensive line of wheelchairs, mobility scooters, stair lifts, and much more. Keep your youthfulness around as long as possible and contact us today to see how we can help.

Everyone should prioritize their health, and it’s even more important to do so as you get older. Dealing with a physical or cognitive disability brings plenty of challenges, but those can be overcome in different ways by staying active, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of rest. No matter your situation, developing and maintaining healthy habits can benefit your health in multiple ways. Here are some tips to consider.

Prioritize Eating Healthy

Developing healthy habits often start at the kitchen table. It’s too easy to grab unhealthy snacks throughout the day or overeat at the dinner table. Going on a diet that excludes many of your favorite foods usually isn’t sustainable. However, putting together a balanced diet with a mixture of plants, meats, dairy, whole grains, and more can improve your health in many ways. And when you eat a balanced diet, you might feel like you have more energy throughout the day to stay active.

Stay Active

Physical activity is crucial for everyone, no matter how old you are. According to the American Heart Association, two and a half hours of moderate exercising per week is ideal for adults. It’s important for your heart health, but you may be surprised at how much it boosts your emotional health as well. These physical activities don’t have to be strenuous. Going on walks or doing stretching exercises is sufficient for meeting your activity goals. Feel free to push yourself a little harder as you get more stamina, but don’t overdo it to the point where you could hurt yourself.

Establish A Good Bedtime Routine

Sleep is essential for our mental health. Getting at least seven hours of sleep every night can help you feel rested throughout the day and in a good spot mentally. Establishing a bedtime routine is important even for adults, so know your limits and go to bed when it’s time. Of course, there might be some situations where you don’t get as much sleep as you need, but those isolated situations shouldn’t impact your overall health much. Get back to your routine of getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and your overall health will benefit.

Seek Assistance When Needed

It’s sometimes human nature to not want to ask for help regardless of how much you need it. As you get older, it’s particularly crucial to seek assistance when needed. This could be anything from helping you do stretches, preparing food, finding the right mobility equipment, or just talking to improve your mental health. The key is understanding what will help you be in a better place emotionally and not being shy about asking for assistance. Plenty of people are here to help you to ensure your overall health remains good.

Next Day Access is here to help remove physical barriers so you can improve your health. Staying active is essential to a person’s overall health, and we offer a variety of mobility products and devices to keep you moving. Don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can help.

There are plenty of stressors we all have to deal with in our day-to-day lives. How we handle those stressors has a major impact on our overall mental and emotional health. Some people may feel like they are stuck in a bad spot mentally and can’t get out. Others might not even realize they are dealing with mental health concerns. Awareness is the first step in supporting your mental health. Then you can follow these tips to help you live a more peaceful and stress-free life.

Focus On Things You Can Control

Watching the news constantly is arguably the worst thing you can do. With so much evil and negativity in the world, it’s enough to make anyone have a mental breakdown. If you don’t feel good about yourself after watching the news, then take a break from it for a while and focus on things you can control. You can control being a better person today than you were yesterday. You can’t control what’s going on in the world. Start your journey to better mental health by not worrying about things you have no control over.

Prioritize Your Physical Health

Your physical health can play a big role in your mental and emotional health as well. When you get enough exercise, you’ll feel good about your body and your mind will benefit too. Great physical health has a trickle-down effect. You might be more motivated to eat a healthy diet as a result, and you might naturally sleep better also. Both of those aspects contribute to better mental health so set a routine to prioritize your physical health.

Socialize With Friends And Family

If there’s one thing we learned over the past year it’s that adaptability is more important than ever before. You might not be able to visit family and friends in person as much. Instead of not talking to them, adapt by investing in technology that allows you to make video calls so you can see their faces while talking to them. Socializing is critical for a person’s mental health, and don’t be afraid to talk to a loved one about any issues you’re experiencing. Chances are they might be going through something similar as well, and you can work through solutions together.

Do Things You Enjoy

Finally, prioritize doing things you enjoy to get your mind off of other things. Whether it’s outdoor activities like gardening, playing golf, walking, or indoor activities like cleaning, crafting, or anything else, you deserve to do things you enjoy. The more you’re able to enjoy the little things in life, the better perspective you’ll have on life in general. And when you have a positive outlook on life, you’ll be in a better place mentally.

It’s critical to recognize when you’re not in a good place mentally. Don’t suffer in silence, and reach out to your support circle whenever you’re feeling in a tough place. Your mental health is important to live a healthy life, and it needs to be prioritized. If there’s anything we can do to help you, contact Next Day Access at any time.

Horses are amazing animals that pay close attention to how humans behave, and then they shape their behavior accordingly. When you understand how horses view humans, it’s easy to see how they can build strong connections with them. Veterans often struggle with their mental health, and possibly even a physical or cognitive disability. Resources are available specifically to help Veterans, but there might not be better therapy than connecting with horses. When combined with the help of a professional therapist, horses can help Veterans get back to living a normal life in peace.

How Humans And Horses Interact

Humans and horses have to have a relationship before respecting and appreciating one another. People sometimes won’t get near a horse until they know they can trust them, but the truth is horses often don’t trust people until they can get a good sense of their intentions as well. Horses are massive animals that could easily injure even the largest human. As a prey animal, it’s impressive to see the patience and intelligence horses have when interacting with humans. Veterans often see horses as a companion, and when they treat them accordingly, they can develop a trusted friendship along the way.

Mental Health Benefits

Many Veterans develop a cognitive disability over time due to the experiences they faced while serving. When it comes to a Veteran’s mental health, therapists often suggest developing a relationship with a particular horse to create somewhat of a therapeutic relationship and environment. Veterans should notice how the horse reacts to their words and actions and continue acting in a way that creates a soothing and trusting relationship.

Therapists Often Rely On Horses To Help Veterans

Horses will often mirror the emotions of their leader. So when a Veteran creates an initial trusting relationship with a horse, the horse will begin acting as they do. Therapists evaluate this relationship to determine how they can help. For example, horses can sense fear or anxiety in their leader, even if it’s not physically visible. So if a Veteran is fearful in a situation, the horse will demonstrate adaptability, react accordingly, and will be fearful as well. Therapists can then pinpoint particular situations and help Veterans work through exactly what made them fearful or anxious in that moment.

Veterans may need to seek assistance for a physical or cognitive disability they’ve developed over time. Many therapists strongly suggest using horses to help with mental health concerns and to help Veterans develop a sense of purpose. To learn more about this type of therapy and other disability aids, contact Next Day Access today.

Gardening is an activity that has multiple purposes and just as many benefits for seniors. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a good garden, and the physical benefits are well worth it. Plus, seniors enjoy the mental aspects of a beautiful garden as it gives them a sense of purpose and pride when they see the fruits of their labor. If you have an aging parent who wants to start a garden this spring, help them make it easier to access and maintain. Gardening is one of the most beneficial outdoor activities they can do, and here are some ways it can be done with ease.

Make Your Garden Accessible

It can be hard work having a beautiful garden when you think about the physical labor of digging, being on your hands and knees, pulling weeds, and more. The problem with this is seniors might not be physically able to do everything they need to, so a great solution is to build a raised garden that’s more accessible. They can still pull weeds, water, and do regular maintenance on their garden without the physical burdens of bending over and potentially injuring themselves. When gardening is easier, it’s more enjoyable and seniors are more likely to stick with it all season.

Create A Safe Path To Your Garden

Remove any obstacles you might have between the door and your garden. If you have an outdoor patio or steps you have to use, consider installing a vertical platform lift. This device can help you get in and out of the house with ease so you don’t have to expend extra effort. You’ll need that effort for your garden, so save it up. It’s also ideal to keep the yard mowed so it won’t be difficult to walk through tall grass. Any other clutter you have between your house and garden should be cleared to have an unobstructed path and reduce the risk of falling.

Ask For Help When Needed

Possibly the most important tip to remember this spring is to ask for help whenever you need it. Your kids would love to help their aging parent, but if they aren’t around, then consider asking a neighbor or hiring a professional. The process of starting a garden can be physically strenuous when you think about the digging, pulling, and lifting you have to do. Get assistance with those tasks rather than attempting them yourself and potentially getting hurt as a result. The last thing you want to happen is to get hurt and not be able to spend as much time gardening.

Participating in outdoor activities is one of the most ideal ways for seniors to get exercise. Gardening offers many different benefits in this regard, and there are plenty of ways to make it safe for seniors. Next Day Access can help by installing a vertical platform lift, wheelchair ramp, or other mobility aids depending on the layout of your space. If you need your garden to be more accessible, contact us today to schedule a free evaluation and see how we can help.

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