People with disabilities likely have some sort of mobility device to help them navigate their daily lives. These products could range from canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, or anything else. But when you’re ready to explore the outdoors, some of the devices you use daily may not be suitable for the areas you want to go to.
The good news is you have plenty of options to choose from and can even pursue a scooter rental for a weekend trip if that’s all you need. Here are some mobility device options to consider for your next outdoor adventure.
Mobility Scooters
If you already have a mobility scooter, you need to check with the facility or campground you’re visiting to determine whether they allow yours. Some areas will just allow indoor scooters on their properties, which may not be an issue if that’s what you currently have.
Otherwise, consider investing in a mobility scooter with features suitable for the outdoors if you plan on going on trips more than once. Many scooters come with all-terrain tires, lights, a higher load capacity, a sturdier base, durable suspension, and other features to help you feel safe and confident riding on rough or uneven terrain.
Invest In A Travel Wheelchair
The travel wheelchair you choose should be based on the terrain you like to navigate through when you go on outdoor adventures. If you want to get some great exercise as you explore the outdoors, consider an all-terrain manual travel wheelchair. Otherwise, power wheelchairs are available in various configurations and have different features to keep you safe. A travel wheelchair is a good investment if you like to travel often since you can load it up on your auto lift and go whenever you’re ready.
Consider Wheelchair Or Scooter Rental
If you don’t travel often but would still like to explore the outdoors periodically, consider a wheelchair or scooter rental. You can rent different options from a local store and return them after your trip, or some campgrounds and parks may have rental options available for you upon arrival.
Renting is a great option since prices are typically affordable, and you don’t have to worry about maintaining it over time. Plus, if you’re going to an area with particularly rough or uneven terrain, the location may have specific features on their wheelchairs and scooters to make it easier to navigate.
Next Day Access has you covered when it comes to enjoying the great outdoors with a mobility limitation. We offer a wide range of mobility scooters, wheelchairs, and other mobility devices and accessories to keep you moving.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, and being outside and exploring different areas is part of it. With the right mobility device, you can feel secure and confident knowing you can navigate through different types of terrain safely. When you’re planning an outdoor trip, contact us to see what mobility option we have that can make your trip even more enjoyable. Like or Share if you enjoy reading our blog.