
On julio 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. The Civil Rights Law was designed to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Every year since it passed, more people with disabilities have joined the workforce. Making sure your business is accessible to all improves your image and increases revenue. Also, making your business accessible for disabled employees can give you a more robust workforce. Here are a few ways to ensure your business is accessible for all. 

Storing Items

Do not store items too high or too low where it would be inconvenient for anyone in a wheelchair to reach. 

Accessible Entrances and Bathrooms

If the main entrance of your business is not wheelchair accessible, consider investing in a commercial wheelchair ramp. Next Day Access offers many choices. You could also put the ramp on a side entrance if that is better suited for your business. We can help determine where a ramp would look best at Next Day Access. 

Ensure your bathrooms are accessible by installing grab bars. At Next Day Access, we have grab bars that are both stylish and functional. The space under the sink should also be clear so anyone in a wheelchair can reach the faucets comfortably. 

Consider Handrails

If you have long hallways in your business, consider installing handrails down the length of the halls. You could also install handrails anywhere with steps where a ramp is unavailable. We also offer stylish, classy, modern handrails at Next Day Access. 

Proper Spacing

Make sure you have plenty of space between tables, counters, or desks. You should also make sure that tables and desks provide space underneath the top that is 30 inches, 17 inches deep, 27 inches high, with a top between 28 inches and 34 inches from the ground.  

Appropriate Language

Choose the appropriate language for signage. The word Handicap is considered offensive to many. Instead, use the word accessible. For example, a sign should read, “Accessible parking this way.” 

Take Aways

These are just a few helpful tips. It is mandatory to ensure your business is ADA compliant, but these extra steps are significant for people with disabilities. At Next Day Access, we have several products to make your business as accessible as possible. We can advise on the perfect products and help you determine where to install any mobility equipment or accessibility devices. We also have a top-notch installation team providing knowledge and efficiency at every job site. 

You often see automatic door openers when entering a store or commercial business. This is extremely helpful for people using wheelchairs or anyone with mobility difficulties. It is a feat to get a large, heavy, commercial door open. Now imagine trying to open it if you have a disability.

One of the top ways automatic doors benefit your business is by accommodating the needs of all who enter. Automatic doors make entering your business convenient for everyone. Automatic doors consist of hands-free sensors, which make entering easier for those needing additional assistance.

Here are a few other reasons your business needs automatic door openers:

Increases Your Security

Next Day Access offers many distinct types of automatic doors. Certain automated doors can be equipped with additional security features. One of the increased security features offered is the addition of controls or sensors which allow you to monitor who comes in and out of your property.

Conserves Energy

Automatic doors help cut back on building-wide energy usage. The automatic doors can run on low voltage, meaning they will cost you less to run over an extended period. Automatic doors are also insulated, which helps maintain your building’s internal climate. Also, since the doors are only opened when a patron walks into your business, there is less loss of heat occurring through open doors.

Safe Hygienically

Since you do not need to touch automatic doors to open them, they are easier to keep sanitary and clean. This helps to limit the spread of illnesses.

Aesthetically Appealing

Automatic doors look nice and inviting. Using automatic doors creates an aesthetically pleasing entryway into your business as it has a welcoming vibe that is good for business. You can find automatic doors that look contemporary and sleek.

Improves Business

Customers prefer to shop where it is inviting and convenient. Also, since your doors allow everyone to enter your business, you have a higher traffic flow throughout the business, equating to higher sales. 

At Next Day Access, we offer several styles of automatic doors. From the standard Open Sesame Large Wireless Wall Push Pad style to the Open Sesame Model 133-an automatic door opening system for free-swinging doors. Contact your local Next Day Access to schedule a free consultation. Our experts can help you figure out the perfect automatic door openers for your business. 

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